Ukrainian forces have launched a major counteroffensive, saying Russia is "getting what it deserves." According to a Russian military blogger, Ukrainian forces have launched attacks towards Berdyn in Kursk Oblast. Ukraine's Center for Countering Disinformation confirmed that Ukrainian forces have carried out surprise attacks on Russian forces at several locations in Russia's Kursk Oblast.
Andriy Yermak, head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, wrote on Telegram: "Kursk, good news, Russia is getting what it deserves." One Russian military blogger said Ukraine had launched a "counteroffensive out of necessity." He added: "Keep your fingers crossed and pray for our soldiers."
Russian forces have been gradually pushing back Ukrainian forces along the main battle line in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region over the past six months. They have also recaptured more than half of the territory that Ukrainian forces had seized in the Kursk Oblast.
Russian military bloggers say the direction of the main counterattack is not yet clear
Russian military bloggers confirmed the counteroffensive but said it could be a "sabotage" attack. Telegram channel Rybar said that Ukraine had been preparing for months for a counterattack along the battle line and that Russian forces were ready to repel it. "The direction of the main counterattack is not yet clear, and the maneuvers from the occupied part of the Kursk region could be diversionary," the channel said.
The Kremlin propagandist mocks the counter-offensive
A prominent Kremlin propagandist mocked the counteroffensive and said it was a PR move designed to impress Donald Trump. Sergei Markov, a former Kremlin speechwriter, said Ukraine launched a counteroffensive in the Kursk region only to show the incoming US president that it could still fight Russia.
"Zelensky's logic is that he wants to show Trump, for his own political reasons, that the Ukrainian army is strong and there is no need to capitulate to Russia," he said.
Zelensky: Russians, North Koreans lost entire battalion near village
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russian and North Korean forces are suffering heavy losses in the Kursk region. According to Ukrainian and Western estimates, about 11,000 North Korean soldiers are deployed in the Kursk region, parts of which have been controlled by Ukrainian forces since the August 2024 offensive.
Zelensky said last week that North Korean forces were suffering heavy losses, noting that Russian forces fighting them were not providing them with protection. He also said that North Korean lines were taking extreme measures to prevent capture and, in some cases, liquidating their own soldiers.