Man has the ability to bring everything to perfection, and when we become better people, we will change the whole world, said Chief Rabbi of Montenegro Ari Edelkopf.
Last night, the religious community of the Jews of Montenegro celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, with a festive cocktail in Podgorica.
Edelkopf stated that Rosh Hashanah is not only a New Year for the Jews, but a New Year for the creation of the world.
“What is the message for us? It's not something that happened many, many years ago. Than it is renewed every year. A new light is coming into the world. There is a lot of talk about global topics and world problems. But the sound of the shofar-horn, with which we celebrate the holiday, teaches us that we must focus first on the individual and on ourselves. And this must be shown through small and simple everyday actions", said Edelkopf.
One man, he added, has the ability to bring all of creation to its purpose and perfection.
“As the first man did immediately after his creation. He was created as the only one, the only Creator of the world. This teaches us that quality is more important than quantity, and that each person is the whole world. We all get a mission and a goal. Let's work on ourselves, and when we become better people, we will change the whole world! Happy and sweet New Year to the whole world", said Edelkopf at a festive cocktail attended by numerous ambassadors and representatives of the public life of Montenegro.
A member of the Religious Community of Jews, Katina Medigović, recalled the numerous projects implemented in the previous year, which, as she stated, the community could be proud of.
"It was also a difficult year for many Jews around the world. Our brothers and sisters were kidnapped and held as hostages. Many people lost their lives and we received many refugees who found refuge in Montenegro. The Jewish religious community helped them find a place to live and provided them with assistance. We are grateful to God for giving us the strength to support them and give them hope for a new future. Both refugees from Israel and people who managed to come from Russia and Ukraine to Montenegro", said Medigović.
She reminded that the Religious Community of Jews organized numerous cultural programs the previous year.
"We were also able to increase our humanitarian programs and actively help the poor and people in need, regardless of their nationality and religion," Medigović added.
Rosh Hashanah or the Jewish New Year is a time of repentance and spiritual rebirth. According to tradition, 5,875 years ago, Adam and Eve were created and therefore Rosh Hashanah is also the birthday of all mankind.