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Šahman: Political crumbs in the form of allocated portfolios are not Bosniak interests - BDP's task is to reduce the stigma attributed to the entire nation

For a long period of time, we have been dissatisfied with the way the party we shaped together was run, but certainly entering the reconstructed 44th Government was the trigger for a group of brave and daring people, the intellectual elite, to decide on an important step - making a new political offer to the Bosniak electorate , says the president of the Bosniak Democratic Movement, Sead Šahman, in an interview with the Standard portal.
Šahman points out for the Standard that the political moment is such that a group of brave and courageous people, the intellectual elite, decided on an important step - making a new political offer to the Bosniak electorate, because political crumbs in the form of newly formed and allocated portfolios certainly do not represent Bosniak national interests a priori.
He points out that the BS leadership's decision to join the government was well and carefully prepared - it would not cause such a large number of negative reactions from people living in the country, as well as those in the diaspora, and adds that their task was to try to reduce the stigma which wants to be attributed to the whole nation.
When asked whether and in which elections they will take part, Šahman answers that they are still not sure how and in what way they will participate.
"Since we are a movement that is in the foundation phase, and we were caught up in the elections in Gusinje and Podgorica, we still haven't decided with certainty how and in what way we will act at this moment. What is certain is that both in Gusinje and in the capital we have a certain infrastructure of people who can and want to actively participate in the campaign and contribute to the development of local communities by affirming the Bosniak national name", explains the leader of the Bosniak Democratic Movement (BDP) Sead Šahman.
"Our principle will be mostly independent performance, but we will not shy away from coalition arrangements wherever the conditions exist and where our program principles will be respected," says Šahman.
"By the end of the year, as a movement, we want to complete the complete organizational structure, elect party bodies and organize a Congress where we will present ourselves to the public in much more detail," he states.
For Šahman, the biggest problem in the country at the moment is the cumbersome administration.
"The biggest burden in the country right now is the cumbersome administration of over 30 members of the Government, which must be reformed in the further continuation of EU integration", concluded BDP leader Sead Šahman.

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