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All shades of CV in RTCG

"All animals are equal, only some are more equal" (J. Orwell)
The process of acquiring academic education, skills, managerial and other skills, which for 18 months the duo Boris Raonić-Drljević Dr. Veselinvoza RTCG, will probably be studied as a case study of endangering the public interest and demonstrating absolute irresponsibility in that process. It is already certain that this will be preceded by a slightly longer investigation and prosecution before state authorities.
The biographies of these two great managers have long been available on the RTCG website. There is no beginning or end to Raonic's studies, which spanned a quarter of a century, but there is important information that he was the head of the "School of Political Management" which organizes panels and gatherings of politicians and journalists. Otherwise, Raonic's RTCG "has no political influence" and he "does not adhere to any political idea". He favors everyone and everything, only some are more "equal".
Drljević managed to list his international publications in English on the RTCG Portal - in Cyrillic, which is another proof of the unrestrained eclecticism of the football referee who upgraded geography to a doctorate by rewriting the Montenegrin Tourism Master Plan.
Many have probably wondered who are the other managers who protect the public interest in the Public Service, which, as Raonic proudly repeats, strengthens the strength of the state of Montenegro. Who are the people who, with their talents and cleverness, manage to replace the brilliance of the leading duo? And we got an answer, again on the RTCG Portal, where CVs of other top managers were published.
From STR PUŽ to the head of Finance RTCG
Tijana Vujošević, assistant to the general director for financial and legal affairs, graduated from the Faculty of Economics, she was first employed at RTCG from 2003-2005 (student years in which no one seems to have noticed her media talent), and then she worked in "renowned companies", to the diplomatic mission of Azerbaijan, in order to return to RTCG as a development advisor, and then head of the General Director's Cabinet.
Rarely does anyone brag about renowned companies in their CV without mentioning their name? It seems that the companies were renowned, but not Tijana Vujošević's position in them? The facts, and not the assistant's self-impression, say that STR PUŽ for the sale of souvenirs, which marked Vujošević's career before administrative work at the embassy, is definitely not a reputable company. That's why she came to RTCG in 2015 with two full years of service.
When you were born in 1983, and you come to RTCG at the age of 32 to the position of development advisor right in the tumultuous moment of digitization, that must mean something. It either speaks of your great abilities. Or, after all, about the (ir)responsibility of those who brought you there! And it is, in fact, about the pre-election game of a powerful trio: the former RTCG secretary (a member of Tijana Vujošević's family), the general director who was building a position for the new mandate and the then president of the RTCG Council, who later resigned due to nepotism.
There is no report or item in WORD about her four-year advisory contribution to development. True, at that time Tijana Vujošević was quite agile in influencing the creation of a tender for the design of the future RTCG building, with the participation of her family members and for family members! In the general hubbub around RTCG, a grain of nepotism went unnoticed. That is why even later, now as the head of the Cabinet of the former general director, she did not see a procedural obstacle in assigning the design of the scene for the virtual studio to a member of her family, and paying generous fees to her cousin who prepared the meetings of the Council, and that from the pension she went to with the largest severance pay in the history of RTCG!
With the support of one of the August winners, the always opportune Raonic decided to advance her, noticing her ideological and intellectual potential unencumbered by prejudices and professional knowledge. In addition, as a reward, she also received participation in the famous "School of Political Leadership", that nursery of talents who, willingly or unwillingly, become part of Raonic's network of questionable goals and character.
The position of the gray eminence RTCG is obviously very pleasing, so even today Tijana Vujošević equally knows all spheres of RTCG business, but successfully "covers" all trips abroad for various reasons, starting from the digitization of archives and international cooperation, to the equipment fair in Las Vegas (near California where she studied high school). Plus the distribution of variables, which was a special object of attention and warnings of the SAI.
Anti-theft radiation, anti-equipment tendering, outsourcing for weight loss
The biography of Dejan Vujović, assistant general director for technology (in the title it says "technology", but it doesn't matter because he covers everything) undeservedly occupies the same space as the other assistants. His activity, since 2012, is crucial for understanding how institutions fall under the idea and soft power of individuals whose career (doesn't) keep pace with knowledge. Rather, it leads the way, thanks to the ability (resourcefulness) to impose ordinary work processes as epohalal ideas, self-marketing and the ease with which competition is eliminated (euphemisms we use to avoid the real word – unscrupulousness).
Vujović came from the bankrupt IN, which fell into such a position thanks to his investments in technology, to RTCG as a savior, expert and creator of future digitization. He promised digitization within a year. It turned out that it took him 8 years and 18 million. That is, if we are going to cut corners, the digitization process is still not completely finished. In the meantime, all the systematizations were adapted to his references, as were the sets of people he intended to place in certain places.
He quite convincingly demonstrated to the RTCG Council that the power outage in the building would not have had such dire consequences if the system had been digitized. He claimed that the stolen links were radioactive! In the meantime, he called for tenders for equipment maintenance and external production services, which were won by the same companies at, for them, rather gratifying prices. Digitization was a MUST for all processes at RTCG, so Vujović through tender commissions, vacations he did not use, day and night project work, trips to broadcasting fairs around the world (he traveled to the already mentioned Las Vegas more than 10 times, which makes him the Montenegrin record holder among producers , engineers, politicians and passionate gamblers), in 10 years he earned more than 200 thousand EUR. So, much more than the directors of TVCG, who are always under the public eye with their function and responsibility and are rarely able to combine two mandates.
All of this could be tolerable if it weren't for one important detail. Actually, more of them. In the official biography of Vujović, it is written that he "participated in the integration of several television channels and networks in the Balkans, integrated technical and production solutions, as well as the selection and training of staff..." And it was like that. Vujović was mainly hired by the company from Belgrade "TA", which delivered major equipment for our Public Service on behalf of the main holder of the largest tender in the history of RTCG. Vujović definitely did work for her in September 2018 in Tirana, and also recently, in a TV station in Podgorica. At the same time, while the assistant general director is completing work in the neighborhood and the surrounding area, RTCG allocates millions for equipment maintenance!
True, one of his trusted colleagues from TV IN is engaged there, he is currently working as IT support of the Montenegrin judicial system. Which is much simpler than the demanding RTCG system. Who recommended him for that job is a rhetorical question. Aside from the code that is regularly shoved in the noses of journalists and cameramen when they have a modest non-RTCG engagement. It seems that by investing in Vujović, RTCG helped all television stations in the Balkans, except itself. Because today, in procedural and organizational sense, the technique used by Vujović is in ruins. Engineers deal with small repairs, all professional work is outsourced for huge money. Equipment for a large studio has not yet been acquired, so lighting from 1984 is used.
Procurement through T-A continues, of course with the participation of Vujović in the tender definition of the equipment. This is only a logical continuation or epilogue of the almost comical episode from November 2018, when Vujović convinced the RTCG Council to announce the second part of the tender with the obtained financial resources, but for much less equipment, because he saw on the last trip to Amsterdam that technology had advanced so much that his plan could be realized without the devices that were left out of the list. Worth a million EUR. Only academician Perko Vukotić saw the illogic in this. Vujović received the permit for the tender in the value of 11 million, plus or minus a million, soon after at the electronic session of the Council. It is not known who voted. Everything was preceded by an instructional trip to Belgrade where, I guess, the future supplier and subcontractor (T-A) determined - what is the surplus for RTCG!?
In addition to all that, it is still not known what happened to half a million EUR that was planned as compensation from the equipment supplier if the digitization is not completed by August 2019?! The first records of technical reception are from January 2020. Corona began in March 2020. The essence of this problem and dawn biography, as well as half a million for which the RTCG Council shows no interest despite the Media Center's questions, for example, consists in the item: "The customer is is obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent the conflict of interests of persons participating in the public procurement procedure. , persons who participate in public procurement planning and other persons who participate, directly or indirectly, in the public procurement procedure are obliged to, without delay, notify the contracting authority of the existence of a conflict of interest, as well as of an economic or other personal interest that may compromise their objectivity and impartiality in the public procurement procedure. The person referred to in paragraph 2 of this article may not establish an employment relationship or lon any other basis, engages with the bidder with whom the public procurement contract was concluded in the procedure in which it participated, his legal successor or a person related to them, at least two years after the conclusion of the public procurement contract." - Article 16 of the Law on Public Procurement of Montenegro Up.
The question arises whether the agile general director of RTCG Božidar Šundić at the time knew about these procedures and operations or whether he unquestioningly trusted his technical director.
Venerable executors of other people's misdeeds
Although he has not been in RTCG for so long, another biography deserves attention. Although he denies having any influence on the program, Boris Raonic has an assistant for the program Mitra Rakčević. Who does not belong to the matrix of proclaimed leftism and Montenegrinism that Raonic sometimes frivolously declares, but is a loyal schoolmate. And that, on a superficial human level, should be appreciated. Therefore, Rakčević is not even an advisor, but in an operational sense he is superior to the director of TVCG, whose function is recognized by the Law and was chosen in a public competition.
Rakčević is considered to be a fairly operative person who, with a touch of charm and civil politeness, implements Boris Raonic's wicked ideas in a less painful way. How long will this division of roles between good and bad police function and whether this perspective journalist, who has even been crowned with some awards, the truth of unreliable professional associations, will be helped in this by the knowledge acquired at the Faculty of Management in Belgrade (it is not known when and with what program , but it looks disputed just like Raonic's law degree), we'll see?
In the end, one, until recently, relatively undisputed biography. Director of TVCG Marija Tomašević graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture. On time! She worked at TVCG until 2006. She is mostly remembered for not announcing the news about the attack on the "Twin Towers" on September 11. At Atlas, TV In and TV Prva remember her as a person of integrity. It seems that she understood the return to the RTCG as an act of Raonic's grace, and not as a chance to distance herself from the party positions, thanks to which she came to positions in the previous few years.
Right before the New Year, Raonic illegally fired a great professional, a woman with an impeccable biography, top expertise and absolute loyalty to the house where she works. In addition, to my school friend Marija Tomašević. Both before and after that, Tomašević added her signature under Raonic's personnel executions.
The journalist's code contains the obligation to protect the public interest and the interest of individuals (probably exemplary citizens and professionals). Not a word was heard from Marija Tomašević. No consolation, no rebellion. By God's justice, the dismissed school friend didn't even get a flower. At least a piece of flora as a sign of attention (a plea for forgiveness) from an expert in the field of agronomy.
Thus man steps into the fauna from the subtitle of this text.
And then the biography becomes completely superfluous.

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