Christmas Day or Christmas Eve is rich in Christmas customs and folklore content, which differ from area to area and even from family to family.
It is a fasting day before Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25.
In cathedrals, midnight masses are organized at midnight, Ponoćka, which mark the arrival of Christmas.
Before going to church, with plenty of customs that differ from city to city, from country to country, the family gathers around the festive table.
In Catholic areas, dinner is usually fast, many even do not eat anything until dinner, which usually lasts a long time. At the end, the congratulators come, who, like shepherds, announce the arrival of Christmas.
Traditionally, Santa Claus arrives in the evening, leaving gifts under the decorated pine trees.
A common Christmas greeting is “Holy Jesus! You are welcome on Christmas Eve", to which the answer is: "And with you together". Christmas is congratulated with the messages "Praise be to Jesus" or "The peace of God, Christ is born".