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COMMENT: They continue to bully Montenegro

The deposed Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazović, also attended the commemoration of the anniversary of the Genocide in Srebrenica this year. Unlike last year, he did not address himself this year, which is good news, because last year he insulted all the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica and their families in the most shameless way, and cast aspersions on Montenegro. Unlike him, the random president of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, spoke, but via video beam, because he was not present in Srebrenica. He was not present because he was at the NATO summit, where he brought with him his adviser, and until recently the director of the ANB, Dejan Vukšić, a lawyer of one of the most notorious criminal clans, and the person who disclosed NATO's secret information to Russia and because with whom the allies with Montenegro do not share confidential information. By this act, Milatović showed whose player he is, and this random, let's not say, substitute president of the state has been doing everything to further undermine the reputation and already shaky position of Montenegro with the international community and ally. It is already known about Dritan Abazović, that consumable goods, which for 21 million completed their task and illegally copied all sacred and cultural-historical treasures of Montenegro to the anti-Christian sect called the Church of Serbia or SPC and thus played the role of a traitor for the needs of the greatest Montenegrin executioners, evildoers and enemies of Serbs and official Serbia. Having completed his task by his principals, he has now been discarded by them like a worn rag, which is realistic and will end up in the political dustbin where he belongs. Now, Jakov Milatović, the accidental president of Montenegro, who almost daily damages the reputation of Montenegro with his actions and decisions, entered the scene. With stupid statements and moves like the one with the Secretary General of NATO or the daily lies he tells, which will be revealed soon, he shows his evil intentions, political lack of culture, and above all his subservience to the Montenegrin executioners. Jakov is running on the ropes of the leaders of the criminal anti-Christian sect called the SPC, the same one that is the instigator and ideologist of the genocide in Srebrenica and the one that glorifies criminals, and has declared some of them its saints. And he, as he is, and whose he is, without a shred of face, honor, morality, ethics and human compassion, dares to speak via video beam to those who were brutally killed by his employers in a genocide unprecedented since the Second World War to this day. And the fact that he will invite those who are unacceptable as allies to the negotiations on the new Government of Montenegro, namely the parties gathered around the former Democratic Front, who are still working today on the orders of the SPC, official Belgrade and Vladimir Putin, tells what his intentions are. So what Dritan started, Jakov continued, and all to the detriment of Montenegro and its citizens. Come to your senses, Montenegrins, you know where you belong and what you have to do. Remember your ancestors and glorious history, remember the immortal heroes of the July 13 uprising and their fight for freedom and dignity, against fascists and domestic traitors whose descendants are in power in Montenegro today.
author - M.Jahović

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