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GO DPS: Outstanding choices the only democratic output from a long -standing political crisis

At yesterday, a session of the main committee of the Democratic Party of Montenegro, presided over by President Milo Djukanovic, was considered the current political situation, the work and the results were analyzed over the past period, and more decisions were adopted, the party said.

The session was specially analyzed the election result in the cities where local elections were recently held.

Members of the Main Board looked carefully and considered this issue. Also, it is stated that the Democratic Party of Socialist has made a democratic step in defining the way of election of party leadership, adopting the decision for the party members to direct the leadership directly, which is fully conducted by the decentralization of the party - the statement states.

Considering that a regular presidential will be held in Montenegro in the spring, and that they are increasingly certain and extraordinary parliamentary elections, the Main Board, for the reasons of rationality, has decided to extend the deadline for the immediate election of the president and vice -president of the Party, or President of the Municipal Committees , and borrowed a statutory commission to approach the statutory decision in accordance with the conclusion of GO.

The Main Board stated the necessity that DPS, as a leading and individually strongest political force in Montenegro, remains a carrier of protection of vital state interests and promoting the principle of civil society.

It has been announced that institutional action has lost its meaning, since the parliamentary majority has opted for unconstitutional action and that it is not giving up the intention of conducting a constitutional coup through installing the Law on the President into the legal system.

"As long as the removal of Montenegro is going on its primary strategic goal - European integration - in a situation where the Constitutional order is completely collapsed, we are determined not to provide legitimacy to such institutions of the system and to support any form of peaceful vainstrictive action," the session said from the session Go Dps.

It is emphasized the need to be selected by the Constitutional Court judge in the shortest time, so that this umbrella court institution become functional. The hope is expressed that this issue will be a priority of all political entities, and that the election of judges will be due to the inclusive democratic process, as it is foreseen.

The session is strongly supported by the "There are us" movement, initiated by the civilian sector, and supported by numerous civic parties and activists, which arose in response to the violent relationship of the parliamentary majority according to the Constitution and the basic values of our country.

In the end, it was pointed out that the only democratic output from the long -standing political crisis - the shortening of the mandate to the Assembly, to create conditions for the organization of extraordinary parliamentary elections. This is the only way for Montenegro to get a responsible, stable and European government, as a prerequisite for a return to the European path.

At the session of the Main Board of the Party, a report on the work of the Prophet Club was adopted, with reference to the implementation of the election program, as well as the report on the management of the records of members and sympathizers.


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