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Hajdukovic: Protect journalists, high corruption and further problem

The Observation Mission Report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PSSE) for the presidential election is present today before the PSSE deputies. The report in the assembly procedure inherited the head of the Mission of Joseph O'Rajli.

The Prophet of PSSE from Croatia Domagoj Hajduković said that there is still a high level of corruption, the politicization of the media, but also concerns about the independence of the judiciary.

"It is good that a recommendation is, regarding the Constitutional Court, partially resolved," Hajduković said.

He said that the elections were mostly fair and in accordance with the legislation, but that all earlier recommendations of the Council of Europe should be met and consider the change of the Code and the election law itself. He especially advocated for the protection of journalists.

Austrian Prophet Stefan Šenan said that the elections were conducted in a mostly calm environment, and that he should be congratulated in a peaceful implementation of elections.

As Davor Ivo Stir, the Croatian Prophet, should be congratulated, but also emphasize that the winner of the elections, Jakov Milatović, won the PRO-EU agenda. But as he said, the winner was supported by some Pro-Surface forces.

"Expectations should be carried out. Montenegrin authorities can count on the support of the Council of Europe," Stir said, pointing out that democratic forces and democratic values should be strengthened.

He expressed hope in the power of the pro-European forces and in the June elections.

Petra Stinen also spoke, Dutch deputy, pointing out that we had to fight for justice against those who carry out aggression today.

The PSSE session began with applause for Adnan Dibranija, who saved the child in Morača, which is why he was given to ovations.

The Observation Mission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PSSE) recommended to prescribe detailed rules for verification of support for presidential candidates, as well as to enable the laws of donation and use of loans in the campaign.

According to the Mission members, Montenegro should respond to all previous recommendations of the Venetian Commission and the OSCE and to perform reforms in the legal framework governing the elections, starting with election law.

"Especially to enter sufficient regulations for the second round of elections, the basis for the cancellation of the Court, the procedure for the tabular presentation and election dispute, the responsibility of the members of the election commission for the laws and candidates for counterfeiting the signatures, with the prevention of members State election commissions to vote according to the political line on key decisions, "says the report.

Montenegro is proposed to review the condition of the permanent residence of voters or candidates and provide its compatibility with international standards. Also, and to ensure the constant functionality of the Constitutional Court, which is the final address for appeals.

"To prescribe the rules on the certification of signatures for presidential candidates, to take comprehensive legislative reform of the campaign, especially the abuse of state resources for the purpose of the campaign. Also, to enable the laws of donation and the use of loans, Predicting effective sanctions for violating campaign financing rules and efficient supervision, "said the PSSE Monitoring Mission.

It is also proposed to increase authorizations and agencies to prevent corruption, but also to improve journalists protection and ensure media independence, as a key element for balanced monitoring of election campaigns.

The official Podgorica is also recommended that they take concrete measures against the insufficient representation of women in political life, to improve the availability of polling stations for people with disabilities, and finally, to ensure that all shortcomings are observed to elicit appropriately. This job, as they presented, should be performed within the cooperation between the PSSE with Montenegro and in close cooperation with the Venice Commission.


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