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Only the Holy Synod can resolve the bishop

The episcopy of the Kotor-Primorska Montenegrin Orthodox Church (CPC) denied the Mitropolitan of the CPC Mihail who said the resignation of Simeon archbishops as he filed in his personal name and not to be discussed.

This information is false, such as the false way of managing the CPC - they announced from the bishops of the Kotor-Primorska and added that it "shame an attempt to expel the most honorary living bishop".

The episcopacy reminded that in accordance with Article 19, paragraph 18, the CPC Metropolitan Constitution has no jurisdiction to dismiss the duties of the bishops, because it is the jurisdiction of the Holy Synod.

In the announcement of the episcopal led by the Archbishop Simeon, he always protected the priesthood "from similar statements of the discolored people, who work in her destruction" and will unanimously stand in his protection.

They remind the Simeon Archiepice in the letter of 10 April, the serious canonical offspring of Mihaila Mitropolita, which made the session of the Synod, held on April 17, the bishops of Kotor-Primorska requested his shift.

Metropolitan is, faced with clear arguments that prove his work against the CPC, despotically refused to include his removal in the agenda and discussing it - the episcopis was announced.

Episcopia emphasizes that the Simeon Archbishop in the past 18 years have repeatedly considered resignation due to the manner in which the CPC, programmed bulk and unprecedented intrigue. They pointed out that the Simeon Archbishop would continue to perform its owner and a complete church-hierarchical and administrative structure.

We will continue to function independently, preserving the tradition of the CPC, to establish a regular situation within the church, which has long since existed - concluded in a statement.


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