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Queer Montenegro: Psychologist Petar Marković was attacked twice

Two new attacks on psychologist Petar Marković took place in Podgorica and Bar. These inappropriate and violent incidents are completely unacceptable and only further emphasize the seriousness of the problem of violence and hate speech in Montenegro - pointed out from the non-governmental organization Queer Montenegro.
A group of young men physically attacked Petr Marković on the street in Bar, inflicting minor physical injuries on him. During the attack, the attackers swore at him, insulted him and threatened to break his head and kill him. This case was immediately reported to the police in Bar in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. The second attack took place in Podgorica, when a taxi driver started cursing, insulting and threatening Petar Marković from his vehicle while he was crossing the street, and then a passer-by joined in the insults and threatened him - it was stated in the announcement.
They add that as part of their free legal aid program, they represent Marković in all these and previous cases and provide him with support during the prosecution of the perpetrators before the competent institutions.
We continue to strongly condemn any form of violence and discrimination against LGBTIQ persons and call on the authorities to urgently identify, process and punish the perpetrators of these attacks with the most severe punishments. Violence and hate speech against LGBTIQ people in Montenegro are at an increasingly high level, while the systemic response and actions of the competent institutions are increasingly weak. This makes the everyday life of LGBTIQ people in Montenegro more and more difficult and unsafe, and also cancels the progress achieved during the previous decade in promoting equality and protection of human rights - they point out from Queer Montenegro.
As they added, Kvir Montenegro will carefully monitor the further development of these cases and continue to provide legal assistance to Petar Marković.
We expect the competent institutions to act in accordance with the regulations and respond to these attacks in a timely, sharp and adequate manner. We invite all people who are exposed to threats, violence, harassment or discrimination based on real or assumed sexual orientation or gender identity to contact Queer Montenegro for free legal support at phone number 067/16-10-16 - this NGO said.

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