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Sixth anniversary of Montenegrin membership in NATO

Montenegro has officially become the 29th member of the North Atlantic Alliance on this day before the day.

Eleven years long journey was completed by surrender the accession instrument, since Montenegro in 2006, the reconstruction of independence as a strategic goal was determined by the accession to the European Union and NATO.

In the same year, Montenegro was invited to join the Partnership for Peace, and nine years later, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs Member States sent to Montenegro to become a member of the Alliance and starting access negotiations.

The MPs of the Parliament of Montenegro voted a decision on joining NATO on April 28, 2017, the votes of the then ruling coalition and the opposition Social Democratic Party of Ranko Krivokapić.

The signing of the Accession Protocol was followed by NATO members, which was then forwarded to ratification to parliaments of all 28 alliance countries. The ratification process lasted a year.

The then Minister of Foreign Affairs Srdjan Darmanovic handed over the Ceremony in Washington in the American State Department of Montenegro's accession to NATO, thus officially becoming a NATO member.

The ceremony was attended by the then Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic and the Chief Secretary of NATO Jens Stoltenberg.

- Today is a big day for Montenegro, the day when my country becomes a member of the NATO. The Montenegrin people filed a great sacrifice to decide for themselves about their future. No smaller countries, nor a larger victim. We are again a part of the global policy. More about us will not decide behind our backs. Let's unite and take advantage of the chance to make Montenegro better. Let's be wise in the name of the future, how brave we were in the name of the past. May he be eternal Montenegro and may he be the eternal alliance - he said six years ago Markovic.

Stoltenberg then said that "NATO members sometimes have different political perspectives, but together above the differences, united around the common purpose to protect each other and, if necessary, to fight to protect each other."

- The commitment to the Alliance is stronger than ever, not only in words, but also in deeds. Today, Montenegro joins NATO with an equal voice in the design of the Alliance. Montenegro's accession is good for the state, the stability of the Western Balkans and international peace and security. Montenegro has chosen the fate to join the Aijans and follow the path of freedom and peace. Welcome, Montenegro - said Stoltenberg.

The founding act of NATO, which accepted Montenegro, all parties committed to all international disputes, in which they could be involved, resolved by peaceful means.

The armed attack on one or more NATO members is an attack on all of them, writes in the contract.

The invitation to join NATO Montenegro was sent on 2 December 2015.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense shall organize in Budva reception on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Montenegro in NATO.

The hosts of reception, which will be held in Villa Miločer, will be the Prime Minister and coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Dritan Abazovic and the manager of the Ministry of Defense Filip Adzic.


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