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The dismissed Koča Đurišić, Vladimir Bulajić, Bojan Paunović...

The Government of Montenegro dismissed four general directors of the Directorate in the Ministry of Finance at a telephone session, and due to the abolition of the Administration for Cadastre and State Property and the Administration of Revenue and Customs, the directors of those two administrative bodies, Koča Đurišić and Vladimir Bulajić, were also dismissed.
At the telephone session, information was adopted on the abolition of the Administration for Cadastre and State Property, that is, on the establishment and start of work of the Administration for Real Estate and the Administration for State Property.
Therefore, the proposals for the termination of the mandate of the director of the Administration for Cadastre and State Property, Koča Đurišić, and two acting directors were adopted. assistant directors Mitra Batrović and Bajko Vučićević.
The government also accepted proposals for the termination of the mandate of four general directors of the Directorates in the Ministry of Finance: for the state budget, for public procurement policy, for economic and financial and for management structure. They are Bojan Paunović, Jelena Jovetić, Danko Dragović and Anja Amidžić.
Information on the management and coordination of the work of the Tax Administration and the request for an extraordinary session of the Parliament of Montenegro was also adopted.
The government passed a decision on the termination of the mandate of the director of the Revenue and Customs Administration, Vladimir Bulajić, due to the abolition of this administrative body.
"The Minister of Finance, on the basis of Article 35 of the Law on State Administration and Article 60 paragraph 1 indent 4 of the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees, proposed that the Government of Montenegro determine the termination of the mandate of the director of the Revenue and Customs Administration, Vladimir Bulajić, due to the separation of the Revenue and Customs Administration and the formation of new administrations called the Tax Administration and the Customs Administration, in accordance with the Regulation on the Organization and Mode of Operation of the State Administration," the explanation states.

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