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Šehović on Spajić's announcement: A transparent and perfidious intention to carry out demographic and electoral engineering, there are not a few of us if you get away with this

If those whom the prime minister is referring to truly care about obtaining Montenegrin citizenship, they can do so very simply by, in accordance with the current law, renouncing the citizenship of another country - said the president of the Social Democrats (SD) Damir Šehović, reacting to today's statement by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić that through changes to the Law on Citizenship, it will not be possible for new citizens of Montenegro to vote in the next 10 years.
Šehović pointed out that this procedure is very well known to Spajić - since after the scandal with his own dual citizenship, he was forced to request a release from his Serbian citizenship.
- However, this is not about that, but about the very transparent and perfidious intention of the current government to shamelessly carry out the demographic, i.e. elective engineering! More precisely, the idea is to make the electoral process meaningless in such a way that the electoral will would not depend on our citizens, but on a few hundred (or as many as needed) buses from Serbia, which the government there could, if necessary, in various ways quite easily to instruct - added Šehović.
He underlined that in two, five or ten years, it doesn't matter exactly when, Montenegro would essentially become a humiliated and captured state - that is, 27 electoral units of Serbia, as those currently in power in Montenegro once "bravely" proposed.
- That is why the announced changes to the law are a silk cord not only for our civic concept, but for Montenegro as an autonomous state, which independently decides on its own destiny. We prevented those before you, Prime Minister, from a similar insidious plan. We will prevent you and anyone else who tries to play with such a serious topic for the sake of daily politics. There will be a lot of us if that is not the case - concluded Šehović.

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