The Bosniak people have always stood by Montenegro and its civil, multicultural and freedom-loving character, constantly against chauvinism, retrograde extremism and anti-state, i.e. large-state ideologies and projects, said the president of the Social Democrats of Montenegro, Damir Šehović.
"In a word, always on the right and never on the wrong side of our history. That's how it was until now, and that's how it will be, let no one have the slightest dilemma, it will certainly be in the future as well!
That's why I'm asking everyone who these days criticizes the leaders of the Bosniak Party with arguments, and I would say with reason, for entering into a coalition with those who heroize and celebrate the legally convicted executioners of Srebrenica, which made the majority of Bosniaks, as well as the entire civil Montenegro, feel taken aback, that I don't tell the politically betrayed and sold, to know that it is not the fault of the Bosniak people. On the contrary!" said Šehović.
That people, as he pointed out, will, despite the short-sighted and "absolutely wrong political decision of the leadership of this party, in large numbers, just as they always did, proudly, courageously and uncompromisingly, hand in hand with all others who have a free and self-aware Montenegro in the heart, to continue the not at all simple, but only rational struggle for state-building, civic and basic civilizational values".
"And they will win on that, not easier, but more correct way! For themselves, and for Montenegro.
Thus, at the same time, they will send everyone the best and most concrete possible message about what they think about those who, knowingly or unknowingly, it is completely irrelevant, give themselves the right to put anyone's and any armchairs before the interests of the people themselves. Because the party, neither the one I represent, nor any other, is not the people. And even less its leadership.
In the early nineties, all but one of the founders of the anti-war, but above all emancipatory movement embodied in the Alliance of Reform Forces, figuratively speaking of course, were Bosniaks, when Bosniaks had to be defended. Let no one have the slightest doubt that Bosniaks today, aware that now not only they, but also all free-thinking people in Montenegro, are equally threatened by identical policies, will be what they can and must be - brave, courageous and unwavering, capable to distinguish the important from the less important, in order to defend themselves and the European future for generations to come," Šehović said in the announcement.
But, as he added, and that everyone together will remember the political confusion, some would say the political shame, of all those who, for whatever more or less lucrative reasons, are unable to recognize the importance of the current moment, and their own role in it.
"And that, I repeat again, has nothing to do with the parties and their leaders, nor with our newly formed European Union as a proud follower of the above-mentioned Union of Reform Forces, nor with anything else. Only with responsibility towards one's own and all other children, and the environment in which they need to grow up. And in the face of such a motive, no obstacle, and today's ones are certainly not small, has a chance. And it will be jumped over, just as all the previous ones, set by bigger and more dangerous political opponents than these today, have been jumped over. pale copies of them," concluded Šehović.