The Presidency of the Europe's movement now adopts JJE 10 principles for the formation of the 44th Government of Montenegro, which will be addressed to potential partners, this party was announced.
As they said, after the announcement of the final results, the conditions were obtained to officially start negotiations.
The proposed principles will be the basis for the formation of the Government, and we expect future partners a constructive contribution in the negotiation process. The PES advocates the constitution of a new government that will be dedicated to improving the quality of the citizens of Montenegro and the acceleration of European integration - writes in a statement in which the principles for the formation of the Government, and they are as follows:
"Starting from the will of the citizens, expressed in the Parliamentary Elections on June 11, 2023,
In order to achieve a broad political consensus that will enable the formation of a stable government government, ready to face key challenges relevant to the further development of Montenegro,
Affirming the foreign policy priorities,
Respecting the need to take the necessary economic reforms to improve the living standards of all citizens of Montenegro,
Concepting that the completion of the policy division is of vital interest for Montenegrin society,
We, the undersigned, determine the following principles and values, which we express full support and commitment to the restoration of the future development of Montenegro and the prosperity of its citizens, which we will lead to the European Government of Montenegro:
1. Claren Gora is an independent and sovereign state, based on democracy and equal political rights of all its citizens, as well as in other constitutional proclaimed values;
2. Montenegro is a necessary stable political government, which will ensure the effective implementation of all necessary activities aimed at struggling against organized crime and corruption, and provide the necessary material and institutional condemnation, primarily the special state prosecutor's office, in the smooth exercise of their duties to a professional, independent and transparent manner;
3. We make a full commitment to establishing a sustainable economic model and the implementation of necessary reforms in order to significantly improve the living standards of citizens, primarily through the implementation of the US 2.0 program, taking into account the stability of public finances;
4. Constituents of the Government agree that the existing institutional crisis is necessary to resolve in the nascent period, through the action of the Government and the widest parliamentary social dialogue;
5. Expenditure reform will be one of the most important political priorities of parliament, with the aim of following the following election cycles on the basis of improved election legislation;
6. Governmental orientation of the 44th government will be based on the active and credible membership of Montenegro in NATO, the accelerated process of Montenegro EU accelerations, further developing good neighborly cooperation and strengthening the role of our country in multilateral initiatives and organizations;
7. The structure of the government will be defined in proportion to the election score that achieved its constituents;
8. Constituents of the Government shall be in their political actionMirking the social cohesion and the multinational character of Montenegro, as an imprisonment of the national, religious and political divisions that burden Montenegrin society and will not encourage the topics that support or deepen the employment;
9. Constituents of the Government are obliged to be crucial in the management of the openness, meritocracy of equal opportunities, leading accounts primarily on professional qualities and personal integrity of the partitocratic way of governance, and will strictly adhere to legal regulations and the best practice the part of the appointment of political functions (ministers, State Secretaries, up to 50% of the members of the Board and DR) and the Directors of the Directorate, Administrative Bodies, the management of state-owned management, other members of the Management Boards, and DR), which will be elected in public and transparent calls, ie competitions;
10. There will continue to encourage and empower the broader social dialogue with all relevant actors (citizens, the International Partners, the academic community, civil society organizations, etc.) on the topics that are essentially determined by the further development of Montenegro.