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Report of the European Parliament: Montenegro in deep political and institutional crisis

The Committee for Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament presented a draft of the new annual report on Montenegro's progress in negotiating approaches with the European Union.
The report was presented, for the third time, by European parliamentarian Tonino Picula.
Montenegro is formally the leader of integration processes, having opened all negotiation chapters. This is already my third report. Formally, this is the last report in this mandate. I hoped that with the last report the negotiation process would be completed, but unfortunately, we are not even close to that. Montenegro is formally the leader, but although it has opened all chapters, in the last six years it has not closed any - said Picula.
As he pointed out, he regrettably has to point out that political tensions, with no chance of reaching a consensus in the national interest, as well as the absence of party dialogue, stopped progress in reforms and led Montenegro into a deep political and institutional crisis.
Despite this, almost 80 percent of Montenegrin citizens still support the country's entry into the EU. It is clear that EU membership is a cohesive moment and a factor that should be key in all negotiations on a new government. It is positive that the elections in June were competitive and well organized as a whole, that the candidates could compete politically freely and had equal chances. I don't want to evaluate the outcome of this process, but I will point out that the European Parliament supports Montenegro to take a step forward in integration - he added.
Picula said that one of the main goals for this and the next year in the negotiations is the one related to the rule of law.
We call again for a constructive and inclusive dialogue and the efforts of the parties to reach an agreement to resolve the current political crisis. The report supports the election of new judges of the Constitutional Court, as a step forward to resolve the constitutional crisis. As of September 2020, the Constitutional Court was without a quorum - he added.
Progress in the prevention of corruption is a positive trend, which the European Commission has registered, as well as efforts in the fight against organized crime.
I focused a large part of the report on media freedom. As a whole, Montenegro is expected to engage more in the fight against hate speech, online threats and bullying, as well as biased research in the media and foreign influences in the media - added Picula.
After the previous two election cycles, the European Parliament is concerned about hybrid threats and foreign interference in the media sphere.
We appeal to all actors of political life to contribute, so that Montenegro stays on its strategic course. In this context, the report welcomes the fact that Montenegro has fully aligned its foreign policy with EU goals and policies, including EU sanctions against Russia - added Picula.
Bilčik's message
Mihael Galer read the statement of Vladimir Bilčik regarding this report.
I will underline the key message in paragraph 3, which concerns the conduct and results of the presidential and parliamentary elections and which encourages the new Assembly and the future Government to commit to reforms in key areas. There is a clear need to reach a consensus in matters of national interest, because the absence of inter-party dialogue has sent Montenegro into a deep crisis. Montenegro has lost its position as the undisputed leader of integration in the Western Balkans. After the previous elections, I believe that Montenegro has a chance to move in the right direction. Well-organized elections are always good news and a chance for democratic breakthroughs - he added.
Montenegro can once again consolidate its position as a leader in integration, and for that a stable government is needed, which will reduce tensions and polarization in society, as well as prevent the interference of autocratic regimes in its politics.
Bilčik pointed out, as read by Galer, that Montenegro is still a leader in integration.
It was pointed out that the report came at an interesting moment, when major changes are taking place on the political horizon of Montenegro.
The victory of President Milatović in the spring elections also heralded a change of forces in the parliament. It was inaugurated on May 20, then the parliamentary elections on May 11 delivered results that reflected the new configuration of political forces. The political scene has been too fragmented for too long, and we have not seen the willingness of politicians to devote themselves to the integration process in the right way. For 18 months, we have been witnessing that key reforms cannot take place. All this made the country vulnerable to foreign influences, cyber attacks... The next period will be very important to see in which direction Montenegro will go - the European Parliament said.
It is emphasized that the urgent priorities are that the new government must be strongly pro-European oriented, as well as that a strong pro-European majority must be achieved in the parliament.
Chapters 23 and 24 in the negotiations were highlighted again as key chapters for progress. The need for the state to face organized crime, to fight for media freedom and to make appointments in the judiciary is highlighted.
It was pointed out from the European Parliament that they need to continue sending clear messages to the elites in Montenegro. Concerns regarding media freedoms were again highlighted.
The European Parliament will carefully monitor how certain political actors in Montenegro relate to the EU's foreign policy and strategy, especially when it comes to the situation in Ukraine - it was also pointed out.
Now it is necessary for the political top of Montenegro to deliver results, is the key conclusion of the report. Montenegro has no time to lose in the integration process, and official Podgorica is expected to be ready to cooperate with the European Parliament.
Until July 4, European parliamentarians will have time to propose amendments to this draft report, before it is officially adopted.

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