Member of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Nela Savković-Vukčević commented on the invitation to report to the Security Center because of the statement she sent to the media, in which she criticized the Association of Journalists of Montenegro and the awarding of awards to Sputnjik and Daria Dugina.
As she told Portal Analitika, she will respond to the invitation and will appear at the premises of CB Podgorica in the presence of lawyer Mihailo Volkov.
According to her, the servants of the Serbian and Russian "world" are known for various ways of provoking and harassing all those who fight for freedom.
Trying to portray themselves as victims and righteous, thereby concealing the goals of conquest and, on the other hand, exposing the bearers of public democratic words to various pressures and accusations, they believe that they will discourage and frighten people who clearly see where their policy is leading, to openly condemn it. My example is another opportunity to point out these methods - said Savković-Vukčević for Portal Analitika.
We would like to remind you that DPS deputy Nela Savković-Vukčević was called to the police because she criticized the awarding of the annual NGO awards of the Association of Journalists of Montenegro to the Russian propaganda newspaper Sputnjik, whose broadcasting is prohibited in EU countries.
Support for Savković-Vukčević was sent by all minority and civic parties, as well as free-thinking and independent intellectuals and organizations. The expected support was absent from the actors of the current Quisling fascist majority, which supports Russian aggression and is under the direct control of the regime in Belgrade and the Kleronazi and Satanist organization called the Church of Serbia.
M. J.