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SCANDAL: Bojović requested that the sanctions against Russia be deleted from the Resolution, the opposition is against, and PES and the Democrats - abstained

The MP of the pro-Russian and pro-Serbian Nazi coalition "For the Future of Montenegro" and member of the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilization and Association (POSP) Vladislav Bojović proposed at yesterday's session of the POSP in Strasbourg to change one of the conclusions of the joint declaration in the part related to the harmonization of Montenegro Up with EU foreign policy and sanctions against Russia, as well as to delete the part that refers to Montenegro's participation in NATO missions
POSP consists of 14 members of the Montenegrin Assembly, from the government and the opposition, as well as 26 members of the European Parliament.
The adopted declaration welcomes "Montenegro's continued full alignment with the EU's common foreign and security policy, including all sanctions adopted after Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, and its support for the international order based on rules at the United Nations level, and expects the Government to maintain its commitment in this regard; the active participation of Montenegro in the missions and operations of the common security and defense policy of the EU, such as the operation of the European Union naval forces Atalanta, and in NATO and other international and multilateral missions is welcomed".
However, Bojović proposed to amend the conclusion, and to amend the part that refers to sanctions against Russia, as well as the part that refers to commitment to NATO and participation in missions.
The continued full harmonization of Montenegro with the common foreign and security policy of the EU is welcomed; supports the international order based on the rules at the level of the United Nations and in this context condemns the threat to the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also of all other countries; the active participation of Montenegro in the missions and operations of the common security and defense policy of the EU, such as the operation of the European Union naval forces Atalanta, as well as in international missions within the framework of the UN is welcomed - it is written in the amendment proposed by Bojović to the members of the POSP from Montenegro, but also of the European Parliament.
The amendment was not adopted, neither by the Montenegrin Assembly, nor by the European Parliament. Three deputies voted for him, all from the ranks of the former Democratic Front - proposer Vladislav Bojović, Slaven Radunović and Jelena Božović. Opposition MPs, led by Ivan Vuković, were against it.
Abstaining were Radinka Ćinćur, former member of PES, Seid Hadžić, independent MP from the list of PES, Anđela Vojinović from Democrats and co-chairman of POSP from PES Boris Pejović.
How the deputies of the ZBCG coalition, i.e. the former DF voted, is not a surprise, but the question is why the Democrats, as well as those from the PES list, including the official of that party Pejović, who is also the vice-president of the Assembly, are all vocal "advocates". of European and Euro-Atlantic values - were restrained?
Explaining the amendment, Bojović told the members of the EP and Montenegro that the amendment emphasized respect for the international order, which is based on the rules of the United Nations.
For us in Montenegro, membership in the EU is of particular importance, and I believe that we should focus on that. We are committed and should be committed to adopting the criteria for full membership, and the amendment was conceived and focused in this way with the intention of putting these goals that are the most important to us in the foreground, which in this case is to get IBAR and the final benchmarks as soon as possible. closing negotiations. This amendment ensures a more comprehensive formulation of goals and values, which I believe are more important for Montenegro - Bojović pointed out.
The adopted Resolution also states that Montenegro and the EU reiterate their firm belief that the EU is not complete without the Western Balkans and states that enlargement, as the EU's most powerful foreign policy tool, is once again high on the agenda for both sides.
The European Union's support to Montenegro in achieving its most important strategic goal of EU membership is welcomed and Montenegro's long-term commitment to EU integration is praised; states the state of accession negotiations, with all open chapters and three temporarily closed, but also regrets that no further chapter has been temporarily closed for more than six years.
Political actors in Montenegro are invited to give unwavering public support to the European integration of Montenegro. - A cooperative and constructive relationship between the President, the Parliament and the Government of Montenegro is necessary, and he believes that this cooperation should give priority to the interests of Montenegrin citizens and to focus on ensuring the functionality of Montenegrin institutions, ultimately accelerating the country's progress on its way to the EU - the Resolution reads.
All political forces in the newly elected assembly are invited to engage in a constructive, meaningful and inclusive dialogue in the parliament, which, as stated in the document, is crucial for a successful parliamentary democracy. The resolution welcomes the recent appointments to the judiciary and is said to express the hope that the vacancy for the President of the Supreme Court will be filled in the near future; - Newly appointed office bearers in these key positions are expected to ensure the proper functioning of the judiciary with independence, impartiality and integrity - it is written in the conclusions.

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