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The list has been extended until December 28

At today's telephonic session, the Government adopted the Decree on the amendment of the Decree on determining the period of the census of population, households and apartments and the reference moment of the census.
By the adopted Regulation, the list is extended until December 28.
In the Decree on determining the period of the census of population, households and apartments and the reference moment of the census in Article 2, paragraph 1, the words: "until December 18, 2023" are replaced by the words "until December 28, 2023" - the announcement states.
In addition, the Government passed a Regulation increasing the amount of funding for census commissions from 100 to 200 euros.
In the Decision on the amount and allocation of funds to the census commissions for financing the census of population, households and apartments in 2023, in Annex 1 point sub-point a, the words: "of 100 euros" are replaced by the words of "200 euros" - the announcement reads.
The government also passed the Decree on Amendments to the Decree on the Organization and Mode of Operation of the State Administration, by which the Revenue and Customs Administration was separated into the Revenue Administration and the Customs Administration, while the Cadastre and State Property Administration was separated into the Real Estate Administration and the State Property Administration .
At the session, the Draft Law on Confirmation of the Agreement on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of General Care Nurses, Doctors of Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacists and Midwives in the context of the Central European Free Trade Agreement was determined.

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