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The pathos of the fiscal and the reputation of the public service


Written by: Srđan Čović

It is now clear to whom the lawyer Raonić was confessing and lamenting when he claimed in his television appearances that the report, and then the accusation, was the work of evil prosecutorial forces that do not allow the Public Service to modernize, digitize and ethically stand like a cliff.

Once again, the fiscal Bojić appeared on the RTCG Portal, Raonić's private publication. This time, he did not use Latin, but simplified things, or rather adapted them to questions jointly formulated with Vešović, once an investigative journalist, and now an all-around player of Raonić, who reaches both the battlefield in Ukraine and the execution ground in Istanbul, leads a Round Table at the Parliament, asks the Government, and also stops by to give a presentation at the City Hall. All in one – Marko Borisov.

Anyway, from Vladan Bojić's explanation, it seems that he is more concerned about the refund of funds that will be arranged when this entire process is over, in which Raonić has been lobbying, promising, threatening and combining since June 2021, when the competition was announced. Or since the beginning of 2021, when it was necessary to decide who would be on the RTCG Council. And there are witnesses to that.

Such "cooking" of laws and membership in the councils of Montenegrin institutions is also happening these days when Raonić is desperately trying to save another of his deserving and helpful colleagues who have his back in the AEM Council (AMU) when he declares local fairs as events of national importance. That is why he activated another of his proxies on a futile training abroad who is worried about the bureaucratic precision of the Administrative Board where the first star of the Montenegrin political fair decides, rants and raves. A person of suburban arrogance, whose logic and clarity remained in eight-year-old used sneakers. Raonić has good outsourcing.

Atomic right

So, the legally illiterate members of the RTCG Council did not know or did not want to read and interpret the Labor Law and the Law on the National Public Broadcaster. Since they, after all, have to obey the Laws of Montenegro, the question arises, should we believe their naivety, kindness, experience, pictures, doctorates... or our own eyes?

That is why running away into the matter of obligations of lawyer Bojić makes no sense. In fact, there are times when one deliberately runs away from the essence of the matter. And the essence is that the General Director takes care of the legal work of RTCG. The person who came to RTCG by flouting the laws continued to do so, and now the forces of darkness, including the President and the Prosecutor's Office, are to blame for this. The variable in the amount of triple salary for never verified results that did not match the presented plans is a separate story. From the commercialization plan of the sixth floor, we have come to new chambers for Drljević and Raonić with the already legendary password-locked locker.

Dr. Bojić's comparison with transactions - you pay for a car, then drive it, or rent it, then use the apartment and the impossibility of retroactivity - is even more banal. If the car is from Berković, the driver's license is invalid, and you still put a decent person on the hood, you have to pay penalties. Likewise, you pay penalties if you destroy the apartment and the accompanying infrastructure, and disperse decent neighbors with the help of the president of the housing council... copy paste cat.

You see, an analogy can be convincing if it is supported by imaginative, but logical details.

It is clear that a lawyer has to defend his clients. It is good that this time the members of the Council individually have to set aside from their small church the 800 euros they receive for a job they have no idea about. Drljević can pay him double the rates, in accordance with his assistant professorial importance. Fortunately, with the decisions of the Basic, Higher and Supreme Courts, we have emerged from a long-standing labor legal process that was waged by lawyers Đukanović and Vukotić - paid with the money of the citizens of Montenegro - not defending the decisions of the RTCG Council, but challenging the legal legitimacy of Nikola Marković and Srđan Čović.

In doing so, time was bought to cook up a Law tailored to the work experience of Raonić, who, let us recall, graduated in law at the age of 44. True, a large part of the public gained the impression that his tinkering with the rule of law, embodied in the very active, financially granted Civic Alliance and the School of Political Leadership, which even prime ministers attended, has some positive impact on European aspirations, civil society and other platitudes that everyone adheres to until personal responsibility and interests are threatened. Fortunately, the creators of the games around the adapted law are still dilettantes.

The facts are indisputable, lawyers are paid

As for the illegal processes, the facts are as follows.

Boris Raonić was appointed as the general director in violation of the law. This was established by the Basic, Higher and Supreme Courts.

Drljević signed with him an onerous contract that is not in accordance with the Law on Salaries of Employees in the Public Sector, for the highest salary in the public sector in Montenegro. He rewarded him for agreeing to a personnel policy that makes senseless the Labor Law and the Collective Agreement, which implies that workers are reassigned according to education, knowledge, experience and performance. They made 837 systematization changes without respecting the Collective Agreement.

In three years, they have not changed the imperative item from the Law on the National Public Broadcaster from 2020, which requires 10 years of work experience for the general director. They fired people with knowledge and experience, brought in obedient, spineless and ignorant people who have no idea about the specifics of RTCG.

Some were doing business with discount drinks until yesterday, and today they are purchasing equipment worth millions with their word of honor that it has performed well. Lawyers read the decisions of the High Court to half a sentence. Raonić, in addition to criminal charges, ASK charges for endangering the public interest, also has several charges for mobbing, which the Legal Service has kept in a drawer for more than a year. They have never answered questions under the Law on STI, who gave him a certificate that he has work experience in the first place? What explanation did the lawyers give regarding the third term… Aside from the threats of dismissal and reduced staffing for employees who do not comply with his managerial ideas.

If this is all a modern public service, then Bojić is uninformed or naive. In any case, he cannot be given the right to pretend to be amazed by the world, which is sometimes allowed to poets. Or the frisbee in his jacket has turned him into dramatic pathos and pre-...acting far from the rationality that, I guess, adorns lawyers. Although this is more a matter of style, it is recommended that he tone down his emotions a bit and turn his pathos into work energy. Because the criminal charges that follow, regarding the distribution of apartments and tenders at RTCG, will give him a lot of work.

And if he is really bursting with self-confidence, let him express his doubts about the prosecution in the legal procedure, and not in a commissioned interview.

All in all, I suspect that the result of the new fiscal acquisition of the organized group of illegal generals - members of the Council under criminal charges, will be like the effect of Đukanović, i.e. nothing.

Because, to abuse Bogišić a little - Whoever thinks big, interviews, fees... and pretense are useless.

Atomic left

And just when we thought that the rebranding and defense of the non-existent reputation of the Council members was over with the tirades of Bojić who defends the interests of IN4S, the church and the organizers of games of chance with equal vulnerability and suffering, a reputable social democrat appears and, in the light of the situation, the public interest should be clearer than the neglect of clients... even when it is paid.

Anyway, Dr. Vukčević sympathizes with Dr. Bojić, and says that the conviction would be a precedent because no one should be allowed to vote in the Councils anymore... It is not about voting, but about violating the law with the decisions they voted on. Members of the RTCG Council are supposed to act in accordance with their conscience, knowledge and conscience. The conscience of people who do not know how to read the Law is problematic. Their conscience, with the repetition of illegal decisions (confirmed in the Court), is suspect.

Their knowledge, with the lack of conscience and conscience, with Raonić's three-year-long hanging around the fence... all the way to the courtroom, is a virtual category. All attempts to inform them in time of the stupidity they are rushing into were unsuccessful. Marijana Camović Veličković, a lawyer and journalist, a bright spot in all our institutions, was practically harassed at the Council sessions.

My clients – poor little hamsters

Is Vukčević, in his diary appearance, advocating the thesis of voting for immunity for all members of all Councils, the hollows of party leaders and interest groups who can vote for - anything without any problem... It sounds especially funny that there is no talk of a common consciousness because "at the session that was public and at which journalists with cameras were present, there was general fear and confusion, one member resigned, another avoided voting, a third left the session, while the fourth, probably out of fear and great media pressure, submitted an incomplete ballot".

Is Vukčević describing the vote for the general in an institution with a budget of 20 million euros... or is he retelling One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Maybe he is setting the preconditions for the insanity of persons with ballots who were seized by a panic attack? All of the above could be new contributions to the principles of behaviorism in public life... A member of parliament who sees the camera on and the crowd during the budget vote can faint or run to the toilet and automatically receive a pension... A center forward who sees the camera and a public service journalist in the ninetieth minute can miss an empty goal without anyone asking him if he fixed the match.

Vukčević obviously did not follow the matter in the timeline... The session that preceded the panic vote was led and organized by Raonić and his lawyers, the day before. There, it was agreed how to read the passage of the High Court's judgment and relativize the words "of the remaining". When Marijana Camović raised this issue during the live session, panic ensued... the session was even interrupted so that Raonić could be consulted additionally...

Bojan Baća resigned because everything was clear to him and he chose to do another postdoctoral thesis on post-transition times with a good Scandinavian or institute scholarship in which post-intellectuals have post-traumatic stress disorder acquired in unregulated institutions. Better than having to fight in court... Drljević said - last time we missed the law, now... correct me if I'm wrong - we didn't.

And now, when the correction has arrived... everyone is moaning and crying and talking about reputation.

Kolarić panics over lawyers

And doctors, along with the pro futuro stance defending Raonić's illegal salaries, should also read what their colleagues Đukanović and Zeković scribbled at the end of August in an attempt to secure him a third term as the first, convincing or misleading the Council, regardless.....

"The annulment of a decision produces an "extunc" effect, which in this case means that it has a retroactive effect, that is, that the annulled legal act is to be considered invalid from the moment it was adopted (and not when it was annulled). Essentially, this means that a certain legal act, in this case Decision No. 01-5582 of 06.08.2021. (Raonić's election) is treated as if it never existed, and all legal relations are returned to the state that preceded the adoption of the Decision. This generally accepted meaning finds its basis in the current legislation, which stipulates that the annulment of an act also annuls the legal consequences that that act produced.''

Epilogue... cricket and locks

So Raonic's experience and actions are nothing. For now, he only provides the accused with media support in prime time.

So, the families of Mačko and Bobby don't want to curse them for cheating, but for putting up with such doctors and lawyers.

But, let me help. Vladan and Miloš must define a task for themselves.

This is not a path to a mouse hole, but a path to a cell in Spuž.

It is the justice, stupid. (Clinton campaign)

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