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Radulović, Sekulić, Marojević and Koprivica, winners of the Thirteenth of July Award

Andrija Radulović, Branislav Bane Sekulić and Nikola Marojević received the Thirteenth Award for 2024, the Ministry of Culture and Media announced.

The 13th of July Lifetime Achievement Award was given to prof. Dr. Dragan Koprivica.

- The librarian Andrija Radulović received an award for the book of poetry "Otkup", the academic painter Branislav Bane Sekulić, M.Sc., full professor in retirement for the exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montenegro accompanied by a monograph, and Nikola Marojević, doctor of theological sciences, for the overall annual activity on the development of culture - statements from the Ministry.

The jury consisting of prof. dr Nikola Vukčević, president, Zelidrag Nikčević, assistant professor Dr. Miloje Šundić, Sulejman Kujević, prof. Miloje Aranitović, prof. Nikola Rakočević and Assoc. Ph.D. Adnan Prekić held a session today at the Ministry of Culture and Media in Cetinje.

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