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Šuković: I will not register Antena M as a church newsletter in order to become a whitewash before the Montenegrin judiciary

The editor-in-chief of Antena M, Darko Šuković, said that he would not put on a black mantle and register Antena M as a church newspaper, so that, as he said, he would become a white man in front of the Montenegrin judiciary.
Šuković announced this on the occasion of the decision of the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica to open a case based on a report by the pro-Serbian newspaper "Borba", which asked the ODT whether proceedings should be initiated against Antena M, Darko Šuković and Miljan Vešović for alleged hate speech in the text published on that portal. under the title "How the civil war in Montenegro began"
Regarding your questions from February 8, we inform you that in the ODT in Podgorica, based on your questions, a case was formed and handed over to the acting prosecutor - the ODT stated in the answer.
Commenting on the application, Šuković said in a statement for Pobjeda that it was another attempt to stifle the right to free speech and thought.
I would prefer to say that the circus continues, if I didn't know from experience that it was another attempt to suppress the right to free thought and speech. We will wait to see if, as in the case of Boban Batrićević, there is an active combination of the Russian-Greater Serbian media agencies and the Montenegrin prosecutor's office, or if the prosecutor this time, having fulfilled his formal obligation according to the law and the report deliverers, will reject the foolish report of the portal whose name is for hygienic reasons I won't mention it - said Šuković.
Šuković, however, says that despite this, he does not plan to register his media as a church newsletter.
Be that as it may, I do not plan to put on a black mantle and register Antena M as a church newsletter, in order to become a de facto white man in front of the Montenegrin judiciary. To conclude, this government writes the EU really strangely - said Šuković.
We remind you that on January 22, the trial of the historian and professor of the Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature, Boban Batrićević, began before the Podgorica Court for Misdemeanors, due to criticism of the views of high priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Montenegro.
The occasion is a column from August 2023 on the Antena M portal, in which he criticized the positions of SPC Metropolitan Joaniki and Bishop Metodije, in which the two glorified the war criminal Draža Mihailović.
The Prosecutor's Office charges him with insulting his religious affiliation, for which he faces a fine or a prison sentence of up to 60 days.

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