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"A Little Night Panic": Spajić Fears Powerful Foreign Parties Are Helping Student Protests


After two meetings with intelligence officials, Milojko Spajić, Branko Krvavac and several people from the top of the PES and the 44th Government of Montenegro believe that it is no coincidence that the actions of Montenegrin students, although significantly smaller in scale and less organized, in many ways coincide with those in Serbia. From the Serbian BIA, through Marko Parezanović - but also from Zoran Korac, a Bijelo Polje native who lives in Serbia and boasts of his ties to the USA - they received confirmation of information that the organizers of the protests in Serbia are receiving useful instructions from experienced foreign, American advisors. At the beginning of the week, Spajić and Krvavac, as well as several other people from the government, had talks with the ANB leadership and ordered them to try to find out who is behind the Montenegrin students and what their next moves are.

The leaders of the Government of Montenegro have been trying, since the second student protest on January 16, to find out through people from the National Security Agency and their colleagues from the Serbian BIA, whether there is a direct connection between the student protests in Serbia and the informal group "Kamo śutra", but they are also looking for information - which foreign team is advising the organizers.

After consultations with the top of the parliamentary majority, but also information they received from trusted people from the Montenegrin and Serbian services, Andrija Mandić, Milojko Spajić, Aleksa Bečić, agree with Aleksandar Vučić's assessment that behind the student protests in Serbia stands, as they say, a foreign factor that is creating a scenario of a "colored revolution".

Although the key target of the student protests in Serbia is the overthrow of the government of Vučić's Serbian Progressive Party, which controls every pore of social life, the political elite in power in Montenegro fears the syndrome of "merged courts", that is, that - in the event of the fall of Vučić's regime - the collapse of the government in Montenegro would inevitably occur.


After the informal student group "Kamo śutra" asked Prime Minister Milojko Spajić to present by February 1st - what the Government has done specifically after the Cetinje massacre - the top of the parliamentary majority believes that this is part of a broader plan. After that deadline, say sources from Portal ETV and Television E, the Government believes that a new demand will follow, this time not for the resignations of Aleksa Bečić and Danilo Šaranović, but - a public ultimatum to Prime Minister Spajić to dismiss the officials of the Democrats.

The initial narrative, spread by the officials of the Democrats, that the team of Milo Đukanović, the owners of Bemaks, and even some criminal clans are behind the organization of the student protests, turned out to be absolutely wrong, untrue, but also politically counterproductive. Now Spajić, Krvavac, and the others from PES have received – directly from Marko Parezanović from BIA, but also from Zoran Korać – information that some foreign experts are helping the protests from behind the scenes, and so the tactics of action have changed.


According to sources from the ETV portal, Zoran Korać, a former favorite of the Slobodan Milošević regime who fled Serbia abroad in 1996 and "settled" in the USA, also had an advisory role for Spajić on the current situation. After some time, he made his Western connections available, first to Milorad Dodik, and then - according to sources from the ETV portal - to Aleksandar Vučić. He also met several times with Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajić.

-Korac has just directly confirmed that a team of Americans is helping to organize the protests, noting that they are operating outside the official American administration, but that they have exceptional influence in certain powerful circles in the West – says a source for the ETV Portal who has decades of experience in the intelligence sector, dating back to the time of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro.

After two meetings with people from the intelligence services, the top 44th Government of Montenegro believes that it is no coincidence that the actions of Montenegrin students, although significantly smaller in scale and less organized, in many ways coincide with those in Serbia. They received confirmation from the Serbian BIA that the organizers of the protests in Serbia are receiving useful instructions from experienced foreign, American advisors.

That is why Vucic is repeating the narrative of a colored revolution, and people from the BIA have passed all this information on to their colleagues from the Montenegrin service. At the beginning of the week, Spajić and Krvavac, as well as several other people from the government, had talks with the leadership of the ANB and ordered them to try to find out who is behind the Montenegrin students and what their next moves are.


There is a fear among the top of the parliamentary majority that the student action will take place in three directions that cannot be easily stopped or prevented from having political consequences.

Since the protests in Montenegro began after the massacre in Cetinje, some fifty days later than the actions of Serbian students, some of the local student actions were practically copied from their colleagues in Serbia.

Therefore, the leaders of the executive branch, at a meeting held five days ago in the building of the Government of Montenegro, gave an order to the new director of the ANB Ivica Janović to have his people check whether, following the example of Serbian students, high school students from Podgorica will also join the protest gatherings.

At the same time, a check was requested to see if some private companies, just like in Serbia, decided to provide logistical support for student gatherings in Montenegro. As a third important piece of information, the ANB was requested to check whether it was possible, through the parents of the organizers of the student protests, to influence the destabilization of the team.


At a meeting held in the Government building, which was of an informal nature, Spajić and Krvavac ordered all PES people assigned to the state administration to make assessments, each in their own department, of how civil servants and employees view the student protests and whether they support them.

According to some initial information, PES leaders were concerned by the information that some government officials view the student gatherings with considerable sympathy.

The current assessment is that the continuation of the protests and the increase in the number of people gathered could have serious consequences, primarily on the attitude of the Quint countries towards the stability of the political situation in Montenegro, but also on the ability of the Government of Milojko Spajić to keep things under control.

After a meeting in the Government of Montenegro organized on January 18, two days after the large protest in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Government building, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, Chief of Staff Branko Krvavac, and Spajić's uncle Sreten Kankaraš, agreed that the government is too internal. At the same time, it was assessed that Aleksa Bečić and Danilo Šaranović do not want to resign and that therefore we should not expect the protests against the irresponsibility of the government to subside - says a source for Portal ETV and Television E from the top of the PES.

Although the gatherings in Podgorica seem more harmless than those in Belgrade, the first assessment of the ANB leadership is that the students, perhaps at tonight's gathering, will give Prime Minister Spajić and the Government of Montenegro a deadline by which Aleksa Bečić and Danilo Šaranović must be dismissed if they do not want to resign. Since the Democratic Party officials do not want to voluntarily step down from their positions, this opens up space for a crisis in the functioning of the Government and the parliamentary majority.

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