The Presidency of the Albanian Forum will decide by the end of February whether this political alliance will remain in the Government of Milojko Spajić or leave it, the leader of the AF, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Nik Deljošaj told CdM.
The reason for this move is, as he says, the latest decisions of the Government. Albanian parties have expressed dissatisfaction with the announced tender for the lease of beaches, and that Ulcinj will be affected the most. The leaders of the Albanian parties supported the protest of three associations from Ulcinj because, as they said, the drastic increase in the prices of commercial locations and facilities by as much as 300 percent is a direct attack and endangers the business of tenants, increases the prices of tourist services and threatens to endanger the tourism sector of Ulcinj and Montenegro.
“Last week I had consultations with the presidents of the other two parties that make up the Albanian Forum, with Ivan Ivanaj and Ferhat Dinoš. We have agreed that the session of the Presidency of the Albanian Forum will be held by the end of the month. There will be major decisions for the Albanian Forum and the Albanian people, and one of the items on the agenda will be the review of participation in the Government”, said Đeljošaj.
As he pointed out, he is also in daily communication with the President of the Democratic Union of Albanians DUA Mehmet Zenko.
“We have an agreement that every decision regarding further political action will be unique on behalf of the two entities, the Albanian Forum and DUA, in order to unite and strengthen the Albanian factor on the political scene of Montenegro”, stated Đeljošaj.