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"Colored Revolution" banners with a bloody fist showing the middle finger all over Belgrade


This morning, banners appeared in several places in Belgrade with the inscription "The response of the Serbian people to the attempted colored revolution" with an illustration of a bloody hand showing the middle finger.

Students began showing the bloody hand at protests, which have been taking place throughout Serbia since November, and after the collapse of the canopy in Novi Sad, as a symbol of the state's responsibility for, as they claim, the murder of 15 people who died on that occasion.

It is clear from whose kitchen these banners came, since prominent progressives posted the same content on social networks yesterday, and graffiti of a red fist with a detached middle finger also appeared in many places, N1 writes.

The one who is leading this is the mayor of Kraljevo Predrag Terzić, who has been participating in the organized targeting of students in the blockade on social networks for some time now.

As Sport Klub journalists have learned, among those sharing a bloody hand with a middle finger is the "apolitical" general director of Red Star Belgrade, Zvezdan Terzić.

The Freedom Party reacted to the banners in Belgrade with a statement, stating that "the essence of the SNS policy that they have been leading for 12 years can be summed up in just one symbol, the middle finger, with which last night, as part of their regular party activities, Vučić's loyalists and thugs even painted schoolyards in addition to facades."

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