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Diaspora from the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand warns Spajić: By adopting amendments to the law on cemeteries, you will suffer far-reaching consequences


Since ancient times, the place where the dead are buried has been considered the beginning of human civilization, and according to many scientists, the beginning of religion, says the Montenegrin diaspora from the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

"Death in Montenegro has always had its deeply expressed symbolism, its socio-cultural code founded in centuries-old freedom battles and wars. Deaths were common war outcomes and were not considered a loss - for the common good (freedom), but on the contrary, pride and an implied sacrifice that will silently speak to the heirs and future warriors "how to speak with immortality". For over three decades, the Church of Serbia has been rummaging through Montenegrin graves, depriving both the dead and the living of a peaceful sleep. The seizure and sale of the property rights of the state of Montenegro over all cemeteries by cadastral offices began in Montenegro in 1988, and its expansion followed with the signing of the unconstitutional and illegal so-called TU, which was signed on behalf of the state of Montenegro by the then Prime Minister Dritan Abazović, with the Church of a foreign state. The illegal registration of a large number of cemeteries and cemetery churches in the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral represents a classic violation of the law, and for the purpose of "Proofing ownership rights (lack of registration decisions) has led to numerous disputes that await court outcomes in some future, acquitted prosecution," they state in a statement.

The recent statement by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić that he has nothing against cemeteries becoming the property of the Church of Serbia, they say, is understood as the Prime Minister's consent to change the current law and change cemeteries from "general use assets" owned by the state of Montenegro into "other local assets of general interest", which would allow the church of a foreign state (SPC) to acquire ownership rights over all cemeteries and cemetery churches that our ancestors built, often separating their children from the hungry mouths.

"We hereby send a message to Prime Minister Spajić, Chetnik Duke Mandić and all other servants, but also to the creators of the fascist project of the "Serbian world":

We will not allow you because the cemeteries represented and represent an inalienable identity feature of the Montenegrin people!

We will not allow you because the cemeteries were and remain a paradigm of the path of life and indestructible traces of human, earthly existence!

We will not allow you because the cemeteries are the most intimate albums through which we leaf through photographs of our own origin, national pride and the ethical dimensions of heroism, suffering and sacrifice in the name of freedom, justice and the honorable name of the tribe and state!

We will not allow you because the cemeteries are Montenegrin sanctuaries in which the earthly remains of our ancestors, our parents, relatives and, unfortunately, our children rest!

We will not allow you because the tombs are our rocks and marbles under which the bones of the greatest Montenegrin heroes, bishops and rulers rest.

We will not allow you because the tombs are our second homes, inalienable the boundaries of our past, present and future.

We will not allow you because cemeteries are our spiritual register of all your suffering, hunger, torture, suffering and honorable life!

We will not allow the church of another state to become the master of the dead souls of Montenegrin warriors, bastadors, Komita heroes, partisan fighters, national heroes and great men who defended the freedom and every step of this suffering country with their lives and their own lives!", they state in the statement.

In this name, they warn the Prime Minister and his camarilla that by adopting amendments and changes to the law on cemeteries, they will bear far-reaching consequences expressed through general rebellion, protests and blockades throughout Montenegro.

"The descendants of those who suffered for the right, honor and freedom of Montenegro will defend the graves of their ancestors with their lives, without retreating and exactly as befits loyal sons and daughters of our only home.

"In the name of universal resistance to the perfidious intention of betrayal by the government of Montenegro, we are sending a message to the public of Montenegro, the European Commission, the embassies of the Quint and all relevant international addresses that fight for the rule of law and human freedom that Montenegrins will stand on the defense of the last unoccupied sanctuary and an eternity from which, instead of silence and tranquility, we hear a horrifying cry and painful scream of the souls of our honorable ancestors," they state in the statement.

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