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A few days ago, the leaders of the URA Civic Movement, Dritan Abazović and Filip Adžić, visited Chicago and on that occasion visited the "Rumija" Cultural Center in that city. During that visit, Abazović and Adžić also visited the Islamic Center there. On that occasion, they called on the diaspora to help Montenegro. This visit would not have been controversial if Adžić and Abazović had also visited other Montenegrin emigrant associations and if the post on social networks had not stated that KC "Rumija" was the only Montenegrin association in Chicago.

The oldest Montenegrin association in the USA, "Cetinje", which is also registered in Illinois, reacted to this visit and the allegations. We are publishing their reaction in full.

Reading Montenegrin portals and social networks, we learned that the leaders of the Civic Movement URA, Dritan Abazović and Filip Adžić, visited Chicago and visited the "Rumija" Cultural Center on that occasion. Unfortunately, we must state that such a shameful visit was expected. Because traitors like Abazović and Adžić, who handed over all of Montenegro's sacred treasures to the greatest Montenegrin executioners and evildoers, Serbia and the anti-Christian sect, the Serbian Orthodox Church. Abazović and Adžić, in addition to betrayal, have thus carried out the greatest robbery of Montenegro in its history. Such villains as these two traitors and criminals can only be entertained by those who treat Montenegro, its traditions and symbols in the same way. We who live in Chicago know and have witnessed several times that in the KC "Rumija" the Montenegrin symbols, the coat of arms and the flag, were desecrated in the most primitive and disgusting way, from which the crosses were removed, and the members of the "KC "Rumija" are also known for wanting to change the Montenegrin symbols.

It is logical that these and such met and probably discussed how and in what way to continue to do evil to Montenegro and Montenegrins, all in cooperation with the greatest Montenegrin executioners and evildoers servile to Belgrade and the sect called the Serbian Orthodox Church.

However, the inscriptions in which the KC "Rumija" is called the only Montenegrin association are offensive, shameless and vulgar. Such a position can only be expressed by those who are not operated on by morality and truth. Because the KC "Rumija" is anything but a Montenegrin association, just as the GP URA is anything but a Montenegrin party.

We tell them that every such manipulation, lie and evil intention of theirs will be followed by a reaction, and each subsequent one will not be so mild, but our address to Montenegrin traitors will be the one that traitors, liars and scoundrels deserve. Because we, members of the oldest Montenegrin association "Cetinje", will continue to proudly emphasize our Montenegrin name, our mother Montenegro and its symbols, as always. We will look at Montenegro only as we look at our homeland and homeland, and not as a coin for petty change and plunder, because we are Montenegrins and Montenegrin patriots and Montenegro is in our hearts, and unlike Abazović and Adžić, we look at it as a mother, which it is to us.

Montenegro is eternal, and its enemies ended up and will end up where they belong on the garbage dump of history.

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