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Đukanović: Now let's see if Milatović is brave, Spajić was not; What if I sang "we are stronger than Serbia"?

Former President of Montenegro Milo Đukanović said that Montenegro has lost its political stability and has been completely ruined in the last four years.
"I think that Montenegro, with its overall development on the European track, has confirmed that it has the capacity to join the EU. Unfortunately, we cannot help but notice a setback on that path. Montenegro has lost the key assumption of what qualified it as a leader, which is political stability We now have an open door for expansion, we should take care that no one can do our homework before us," said Đukanović.
He states that the bottom line is that all the states of the region are in "political misery".
"The vestiges of modern development are there, but they are fragile. The change of government threatened that, you have only two offers in the region today. One is Europe and NATO, and the other is nationalism. I think we have to objectify the picture. In these four years, we have changed three authorities - the first was clero-nationalist, the second was anti-Montenegrin and dilettante, and the third was equally great-Serbian and populist. Those qualifications do not promise that Montenegro could show a chance in the enlargement process. Four years is enough to see weaknesses," Djukanovic said.
Serbia has the potential to be on the European side, but the problem is state politics.
"When nationalism becomes a state policy, it's a problem. As much as I don't support that policy, I can't help but notice that that policy is successful, but when the duration of that policy ends, the country is in the same place it was before it started. The interest of the region is stability, and if you allowed Greater Serbian nationalism to play with Milošević's mantra that Serbs in the region are threatened and Serbia should protect them, then you must know - they are not even threatened in Montenegro. This only threatens stability and stops development," explains Đukanović .
When asked if during the celebration of the DPS after the local elections in Podgorica, he sang "no one can do anything to us, we are stronger than Serbia", Đukanović replied:
"Believe that I don't know. I was certainly looking forward to the success of civil and pro-European politics in the elections. And my question is what if I did? If they sang that Montenegro is stronger than Serbia, America or Russia, is that hatred?" he asked. is Đukanović.
Đukanović: Now let's see if Milatović is brave, Spajić was not
As he states, in Podgorica there has been a sharp decline in some of the new parties that have appeared, and that Jakov Milatović is about to be tempted.
"It's a clean picture and those who don't have the courage to make serious moves won't see it. Spajić had that chance last year - PES had 23, DPS 21, more than enough for the majority, and that power is exercised not four, but But he didn't have the courage to face the same temptation. He doesn't see his future with the Serbian nationalism can cooperate. The loss of 25% of points is a sharp drop in those policies and it shows that we are at the beginning of citizens' awakening", Đukanović assesses.
The former president of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, states at the 2BS Forum that he hopes for EU expansion.
"There is a greater political will in the EU for enlargement, but so far there have been no changes. I hope that with the new composition of the commission, they will be more receptive to enlargement," said Pahor.
He states that in this sense, Montenegro is in a great situation.
"I see that there is some opinion that Montenegro could be the first in line for expansion, if there is such a vision, Montenegro must take advantage of it".

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