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Đurašković to Milović: The contamination with your tear gas was washed away by the Cetinje rains, but some cheeks cannot be washed even by all Montenegrin rivers

The statement of the functionary of the "Evrop Sad" (PES) Movement, Andrej Milović, that our city "needs to be decontaminated" is unacceptable and shows the essence of the relationship towards Cetinje, Prijestonica Mayor Nikola Đurašković said tonight.
During the centuries of existence of our city, the Montenegrin Capital and bastion of freedom, Cetinje was and remains open to all well-intentioned and honorable people, regardless of their name and where they come from. Cetinje does not need a mentor, nor a tutor, nor are our respected fellow citizens such that anyone from the outside needs to teach them how to behave or re-educate us, nor has anyone succeeded in this throughout history - pointed out Đurašković.
He reminded that the citizens of Cetinje were once contaminated with tear gas.
So let's see what the threat of decontamination of this "European" politician from "Europe" looks like now. Contamination with your tear gas was washed away by the Cetinje rains, but some cheeks due to actions and statements cannot be washed even by all Montenegrin rivers - said Đurašković.
Let us remind you, the functionary of the Europe Now Movement, Andrej Milović, speaking about the inauguration of the newly elected President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, stated that "there is no such group of people that is allowed to influence historical processes and that the decontamination of Cetinje will soon take place".
M. J.

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