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Đurović: Otašević was elected illegally, to convene himself to convene a session of the Council of the City RTV and resolve him

The director of the Media Center Goran Djurovic told that he was the V.D. Director of Radio City Television Vladimir Otasevic was illegally selected to the position, and called the President of the Council of RTV Podgorica Vesna Radulović to urgently convene the session of the City RTV and resolved him.

He was elected contrary to the decision on amendments to the decision on the establishment of a limited liability company Local public broadcasting Radio Television Podgorica. The executive director of the City TV may be a selected person who meets the decision prescribed, which, among other things, provides that "the Civil Gore Citizen may be appointed in Montenegro, which has at least VII1 levels EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS AND AT LEAST TEN EXPERIENCES with higher education, of which at least five years in the management positions in the areas relevant to the performance of the activity "- said Djurovic in response.

The Media Center also points out, addressed RTV Podgorica with the request for free access to information and requested documentation on candidates for the Acting Officer of the City TV.

So far, we only received documentation for candidates employed in city TV. We hope that the President of the Council of RTV Podgorica, Vesna Radulović will try to get documentation for the remaining candidates as soon as possible, and among them and Vladimir Otašević. Vladimir Otasevic is, according to the available information, a public official because he is a member of the National Brob Council against Corruption, and the decision is prescribed that the public funcinger cannot be elected to the Executive Director of RTV Podgorica. It is not known how Vladimir Otasevic meets the condition of having "at least five years in the management positions in the areas relevant to the performance of activities" because he did not guide in radio or TV broadcasters. Vladimir Otasevic acquired the knowledge of Media Cenra in March 2022 and has no needed for 10 years of experience with a higher education - Đurović pointed out.

The closed session reveals character and integrity

He assessed that the Session of the Council of RTV Podgorica, which was closed to the President of the Council of Vesna Radulović, does not only reveal the personal character and lack of councils, but also the character and integrity of the subjects appointed by this function.

It is amazing that the representative of non-governmental organizations Zoran Rakočević agrees that the session closes to the public. The only reason explaining why the NGO representative, who would be represented by full transparency, is that Rakočević for the Council member proposed, including the NGO "Lupa", whose founder is Vladimir Otasevic. We believe that Zoran Rakočević returned to Otašević. Instead of excluding the voting due to conflicts of interest, he did everything to choose from his eyes to the public he had previously supported to be elected a member of the Council of RTV Podgorica. The NGOs supported by Zoran Rakoćević for the Council of RTV Podgorica have the responsibility of advertising and responding because they will be silent to agree with the violation of the regulations in which one who has conveyed and their credibility - was underlined by the director of the Media Center.

On the other hand, he considers that he is not surprising too much the relationship of representatives of the Union of Employers of Montenegro (Vesna Radulović), the Union of Montenegro (Tatjana Džudović) and the University of Montenegro (Tatjana Novovic).

There is no place to the great surprise because the management of these organizations and institutions in previous years were proven loyal to those in power. It used to be DPS, and now it's the song. This is why we believe that the whole process of appointment of Vladimir Otašević is politically guided by the most influential constituent authorities in the capital (PES) because a person who does not meet the prescribed terms can be appointed such as the executive director of RTV Podgorica - Djurovic added.

In the Media Center, it says that support for the appointment of Vladimir Otašević is political, and that the employers of Montenegro, the Union of Montenegro and the University of Montenegro and the University of Montenegro and the University of Montenegro and the University of Montenegro and the university.

The scenario is irresistibly reminiscent of the choice of a desk

- Media Center calls public Vasilia Skarapić (Council of Susic), Mitar Coalition "for the future of Podgiorice") and the President of the General Meeting of Jelena Borovinić-Bojović, to declare regarding the implementation of the appointment of Vladimir Otašević. Councilors Mitar Šušić and Vasilije Čarapić were most active in the preparation of the amendments to the legal acts that were to be released by RTV Podgorica from inappropriate political influence, so it is interesting to hear their view what actually happened - said Djurovic.

He assessed that the scenario of election Vladimir Otašević it is irresistibly reminiscent of the illegal selection of Boris Raons to the function of the Director General of RTCG.

The fact that there will be some propagandists of DPS soon (such as Tamara Nikčević) does not mean that violation of regulations is also allowed to be permitted instead of proven professionals, such as Andrijane Kadija, political and religious suitable persons without significant references. If the current authority in Podgorica, the PES, thus imagines the professionalization of public media services, then it shows that inheritance of the same "value" as well as the DPS, and that there are no changes in the system and professionalization. All regulations proposed and proposed by Media Center and other NGOs in order to professionalize public media services, in the implementation phase, politicians conducted by personal and party interests to control the public media - concluded Đurović.


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