Minister of Interior Danilo Šaranović said at a press conference that all units were immediately dispatched to Cetinje upon learning of the shooting, and that the incident was a consequence of unresolved, disturbed interpersonal relations.
"What we can say at this moment, because it has been confirmed to us so far, is that this person, namely Aco Martinović, who is suspected of committing this heinous crime, deprived the lives of at least ten people, two of whom are minors from the Vuletić family, namely the children of Mr. Vuletić, who was also killed in whose catering facility this serious criminal act was committed.
Also, this person Aco Martinović, who is theorized to have committed multiple murders in the territory of the Royal Capital and Cetinje, deprived the lives of certain members of his family, therefore, what is also important to emphasize is that we have already appealed to the citizens of the Royal Capital and Cetinje to remain in their homes until the police bring the job to an end, and by this we primarily mean the deprivation of this person's liberty, that is, until he is placed under control," said Šaranović.
A large police presence has been added to all settlements in Cetinje to ensure the safety of the citizens of Cetinje and to prevent this person from committing any new crimes at this time.
"We believe that something like that will not happen, bearing in mind that the space in which this person is located is narrow, we want to say that he is dangerous because he is armed and uses, let's say, a motor vehicle, and at this moment the focus of all police activities is to bring this person under control as soon as possible, that is, to deprive him of his liberty.
Also, in addition to the confirmed ten victims, we have four people who were also the targets of Aco Martinović's attack, and who are in the Clinical Center of Montenegro, two of whom have already undergone surgery and are in intensive care, while the other two are still undergoing surgery.
You understand, therefore, that at this moment we cannot deal with any new additional information that we cannot confirm, so, these are, let's say, very, very complex events, a situation where, unfortunately, it happens that a number of people who are prone to committing such crimes are, apparently, even more dangerous than the highest-ranking members of organized crime groups.
This is also confirmed by the degree, let's say, "The rage, I don't know what else to call it, of someone, or rather the brutality, of someone in committing a criminal offense, when in addition to his fellow citizens, in addition to minors, he also deprived the lives of certain members of his family and because of that, I repeat again, the focus of all police activities is, therefore, to deprive this person of his liberty as soon as possible and we believe that this will happen as soon as possible," said Šaranović.