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Šehović in Bar: The presidential election is a test of civilization where we decide which way this society will move

The upcoming presidential elections represent a test of civilization for all citizens of Montenegro, where we decide which way this society will move," said Damir Šehović, president of the Social Democrats of Montenegro, at the session of the OO SD Bar.
Šehović said that Montenegro is at an important crossroads and that these presidential elections, i.e. supporting Mr. Đukanović, are not a matter of supporting any party or individual, but a matter of a very simple choice - whether Montenegro will move with the only correct, civil and secular path, through European and Euro-Atlantic integrations, or will it continue to follow the path of civilizational collapse.
"In the previous two and a half years, we had the opportunity to see what this civilizational collapse looks like in action. Look at where Montenegro is today, and where it was before August 30, with all its flaws and virtues. All of them together, who call themselves "liberators", but are actually vassals of other countries, destroyed almost everything they got their hands on. They led us into a political and institutional impasse. They shamed us in front of the domestic and international public and blocked our European path. The worst of all is that they not only caused the collapse of a correctly established ideological framework, but dared to question what they should not have done, the civil, European and anti-fascist character of the state and society, to which we all belong, regardless of political, national or any other affiliation, be proud. Just because we are at a value or civilizational turning point, this time we have no right to fail. We must win, not because of any party or individual, but above all because of the environment in which our children will grow up. And that's certainly not an environment in which Ljubo Čupić's smile is tarnished by T-shirts with faces of convicted war criminals. That is why we can achieve this, the most important victory, only if we are aware of the importance of the moment, and the historical responsibility that lies before this generation. This responsibility is no less than the one faced by the generation that restored independence. Because anything to the contrary would mean a change in the character of the state, and desecration of the values on which Montenegro has always rested. And she was an example to all others. And you in Bar did not allow that, and it was you, the Social Democrats of Bar, who recently prevented such a scenario in this city with a great result in the local elections," concluded Šehović.
SD Vice President Boris Mugoša said that, in addition to the collapse of values, Montenegro is going through huge socio-economic, health, cultural and many other challenges.
"Just look at what's happening with prices. Look at how much the prices of basic foodstuffs have risen and how much the prices of many other goods and services have risen. The cost of living in the region is the most expensive in Montenegro. See how our pensioners and many citizens who are beneficiaries of social benefits live. Every fifth citizen and every third child is at risk of poverty. Not to mention the challenges in the health system, where we are witnessing shortages of medical supplies and certain medicines," said Mugoša.
The president of OO SD Bar, Branislav-Bane Nenezić, said that Bar was saved by the votes of the Social Democrats, who will be the dominant political factor in that city in the coming period as well.
"We are the best guarantor that Bar, unlike Montenegro, will not deviate from the European path and that Bar, as long as the Social Democrats are wondering in it, will be the city that prides itself above all on the fact that they live harmoniously in it all three religions and all nations. Every Social Democrat and every representative of ours in local self-government has no dilemma. The state will always put before any other interest. He will do his best to make life better for everyone in Bar and that, at the end of this four-year mandate, we will stand proudly in front of all the people of Baran and Baran, as well as all the citizens of Montenegro, and present our results," said Nenezić.
M. J.

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