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Živković: The conditions have been met for the census to take place, we invite citizens to express themselves freely

The conditions have been met for the census to be held and we invite all citizens to express themselves freely - said acting president of the Democratic Party of Socialists Danijel Živković at a press conference.
If irregularities or misuse are noticed, we can react at any moment and stop the census - said Živković, and called on citizens to inform them if they notice pressure.
He pointed out that after the preparation of the technical documentation for the software, the last condition of the agreement between representatives of the government, the opposition and the council of less numerous peoples on the census has been fulfilled and it can start tomorrow, December 3.
The Democratic Party of Socialists showed complete principledness and consistency with what we mentioned at the beginning of the discussion on this very important topic for Montenegro and, as you saw, through two postponements of the census, an agreement was signed and today we can state that all conditions have been met control mechanisms from that agreement and that the census can begin on December 3 - stated Živković.
He reminded that the opposition defined in the agreement, and this was fulfilled, that they have two representatives in the census commissions in 25 municipalities in Montenegro, and the request that representatives of less numerous peoples be in the census commissions was also accepted.
Enumerators and instructors were re-elected on a parity basis and, in addition, today we received the official position of the commission headed by a representative of the opposition on the development of technical documentation for the software on the basis of which citizens will be able to check everything entered into the database , and what they gave as their statement to the enumerators and what was recorded - said Živković.
In addition, as he added, a committee was formed in the Parliament of Montenegro, which also includes representatives of the opposition on a parity basis.
That committee will deal with issues of monitoring the implementation, that is, the implementation of the census.
Representatives of the Government, Monstat, the academic community, the non-governmental sector can participate in the work of the committee, and this committee will deal with the complete process of conducting the census. Finally, the possibility of manual counting of data on nation, religion and language is provided, where a representative sample of 3 percent will see after counting that data whether everything collected from the field and at the same time in the database matches - specified Živković.
They showed in Montenegro, as he assessed, that if there is enough maturity in both the government and the opposition, they can solve the major and important challenges facing the Montenegrin society.
This was a very complex and demanding issue, namely the population census. That it is not a statistical category, as was announced at the very beginning, and this was also demonstrated by the previous Government of Dritan Abazović, which through its improper, irresponsible and frivolous behavior prepared a census fraud together with its principals, those who today in Serbia before the Vučić regime are trying to they influence the internal situation in Montenegro in various ways - Živković pointed out.
Through two postponements of the census, he adds, they did not agree to start implementing this process until they provide objectively realistic control mechanisms.
These are the control mechanisms that will ensure that we monitor everything that happens on the ground and that if any irregularity is noticed, we can react at any moment and stop the census process. That is why we ask citizens, enumerators and instructors to behave in accordance with the law and citizens to contact representatives of the opposition in the census commissions or the legal team of DPS if they notice any irregularity - said Živković.
When asked how he will declare himself on the census, he answered: "I will declare myself as a Montenegrin, who speaks the Montenegrin language."
The Vice-President of the Democratic Party of Socialists Ivan Vuković, when asked how he views the interference of Belgrade and the statements of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, assessed that it is a policy that has been going on for years and that it is a policy of destruction towards Montenegro, its civil being and the European perspective which, as added, unfortunately, it is dominantly channeled from Belgrade, and that these days it is experiencing its peak in a manner that is extremely inappropriate in the relations of two independent, internationally recognized countries.
President Vučić gives himself the right to comment on the internal affairs of Montenegro and to project some results and question the legal and constitutional character of Montenegro. I think that should be all the more reason for people to use this opportunity to show personal responsibility and dignity and send a message that people living in Montenegro will not allow anyone to arrange things in our house. It is very indicative how Vučić and his associates, as well as Patriarch Porfirije, commented on the census - Vuković assessed.

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