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Živković: The crisis we have in Budva threatens to suspend democracy, which will result in a blockade of the entire Montenegro


The Democratic Party of Socialists began the campaign for the upcoming tenth Congress under the slogan: "Dignified! Reliable! Strong!" with a public debate held tonight in Andrijevica, the DPS announced.

"At the forum, where, in addition to President Živković, Vice President Aleksandra Vuković Kuč and the head of the parliamentary club Andrija Nikolić spoke, the proposals for the Statute, the Report on the work between the two Congresses and the Party's Work Program for the next four years were presented.

Reflecting on the Work Report, Nikolić said that the Democratic Party of Socialists, in turbulent times, full of uncertainty for Montenegro and its citizens, represented the main party and opposition stronghold from which the socio-political environment of Montenegro was influenced, with energetic and efficient reactions of our MPs to numerous anomalies brought by the period after the change of government in 2020. Such engagement significantly contributed to the growth of support for the Democratic Party of Socialists, which ended the previous year with a percentage of 28% to 29% support, i.e., several percentage points more than a year earlier in the parliamentary elections.

Speaking about the program of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Vice President Vuković Kuč emphasized that the ten points of the program symbolize "10 areas of revival for Montenegro with an emphasis on the return of state sovereignty, a strong investment cycle, strengthening the security and justice sectors, as well as significant investments in the fields of culture and sports," the statement said.

The President of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Danijel Živković, at the beginning of his address, they added, expressed gratitude for the phenomenal result in the previous local elections, which is the product of perseverance and sacrifice, and which was important and significant for the politics of our party and at the state level.

President Živković recalled, they say, that in the previous year, when looking at the cumulative results achieved in the local elections, the DPS achieved a result of 28% support, which made the Democratic Party of Socialists once again the strongest political entity in Montenegro after 4 years of brutal campaigning aimed at making our party disappear:

,,And as you can see, not only have we not disappeared, but we are regaining the trust of citizens and we have grown by about 8% compared to a year earlier in the Parliamentary elections, which is enough to indicate that the end of this government is approaching.”

Živković added that Montenegro is currently being shaken by three crises – parliamentary, institutional and non-institutional.

“The parliamentary crisis began at the moment when the parliamentary majority decided to take over the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court on the Constitutional Committee, and when the Constitution is not valid, then nothing is valid anymore. And that is why the blockade of the work of the Parliament is a measure by which we will return the government to the constitutional framework. This institutional crisis was, therefore, produced exclusively by the actions of the government!

Just like the institutional crisis that has brought people to the streets and blocked bridges, it arose as a result of the refusal to take responsibility for the obvious failures in the security sector that have led to the loss of human lives.

Finally, perhaps the deepest crisis we have is the crisis in Budva that threatens to suspend democracy, which will result in the blockade of the entire Montenegro: That is why I am telling you now, if the formation of a government that is not to Andrija Mandić's liking is prevented, and if democracy is suspended, then the elections no longer have any meaning," the DPS president said.

Finally, Živković emphasized that the upcoming Congress will confirm the strength and unity of the Democratic Party of Socialists and pave the way for work in the next four-year term in which the DPS will continue to grow in popularity and support from citizens, the statement concluded.

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