The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) celebrated last night 33 years since its foundation. The president of DPS, Danijel Živković, spoke at the ceremony, in the presence of sympathizers and members of the party from all cities of Montenegro.
- Thirty-three years have passed since the creation of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro. We have lasted for decades, but the deeds that are behind us and the achievements that have been achieved can be measured in centuries. Both when we were the government, and today when we act as the opposition, we remained the backbone of a modern, proud and dignified Montenegro with the quality immanent in leaders who have the ability to preserve their integrity even in the greatest storms - like this current political one that we have been living with for four years - said Zivkovic.
According to him, the Democratic Party of Socialists has never bent its spine.
- Not in the nineties before the surge of big-state nationalisms, not in the early 2000s when we didn't have an understanding partner for the restoration of independence, not in the middle of the last decade when Russia tried to stop Montenegro's path to NATO. We do not bow to it even today - both to our political competition and their foreign mentors and to the wishes of those who, with their policies, brought Montenegro to the state it is currently in. We will always and exclusively make our decisions in communication with you - our activists, sympathizers, members and voters, you who prove your dedication to the idea of our party even in these most difficult times - stated Živković.
The idea of DPS has always been, as he claims, in the visionary leadership that led Montenegro forward.
- Thanks to that, Montenegro is today an independent country, a member of the NATO alliance and the first next member of the European Union. Today, Montenegro is also a dynamic economy, attractive to the world's largest investors. Unfortunately, today, after four years of irresponsible management, Montenegro is also a country of destroyed institutions, politicized judiciary, destroyed public finances, with a parliamentary majority that does not make decisions alone, but agrees to trade national interests for the sake of functions and power. Despite the competition's wishes to disappear from the political scene, we endured, survived and continued with affirmation and emancipation in Montenegrin society. I know that this is an enigma for numerous actors who are still working hard today to try to collapse the rating of our politics, with only one ambition - to remove us from the road in order to finally deal with Crom Gore - said the president of DPS.
Today, says Živković, they are disappointed, because the work they have started is not going well, especially since they have so far used all the repertoire of measures available to them.
- They failed to devalue the idea of an independent Montenegro by persistently repeating the thesis about crime and corruption. They did not use quick judgments, waiting behind the corners of the city with handcuffs, to strike fear into their bones, so as not to justify to their mentors the role entrusted to them. By doing so, they may have catapulted themselves into the realm of career achievements where the sky is the limit. Along the way, they erased the postulates of ethics, morality, the unwritten code of equality of struggle, which is an unknown concept for those who today from the media, intelligence and judicial system for big money continue the persistent struggle in the reckoning with DPS and Montenegro - he added. the leader of DPS.
As he said, the role they accepted in the confrontation with Montenegro is dishonorable, while the fight we are participating in is unequal but well known to us.
- The path we are on has never been easy, neither now, nor five, ten or twenty years ago. The destiny of this and previous political generations is that we have to reach our goals the hard way. We are not complaining about an unequal fight. We are aware that the challenges will be even greater, but this does not represent a bleak picture of Montenegrin conditions, but an incentive to motivate and consistently continue the promotion of a policy that successfully completed everything it started. Because, as the slogan of our celebration today says, the Democratic Party of Socialists is stronger than steel - emphasized Živković.
He reminded that in the past year we consolidated the new party leadership through the first direct party elections in Montenegro.
- In January, we successfully held elections for the president and vice-presidents, and after that elected the presidents of the municipal committees in the same way. These days, we are finishing the elections of new municipal committees through the municipal election conferences, which prepares the prerequisites for the organization of the tenth Congress of the Democratic Party of Socialists. The upcoming Congress will pave the way for the adoption of a new, different, and superior program offer of our party with which we will present ourselves to citizens from city to city, from local community to local community and from house to house. The fight for the defense of Montenegro will be long and difficult. But guided by the power of an idea and a clear vision of victory, and supported by our traditional coalition partners, we will persevere and succeed. European, civic and sovereign Cra Gora will win - Zivkovic concluded.