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A proposal rejected to ban the Bojovic to carry out religious rites

The Basic Court Council in Cetinje confirmed the decision to reject the proposal to ban the religious rites of Metropolito Boris (Bojović) requested by the legal representatives of the Mitropolitan of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church Mihail.

The Basic Court Council in Cetinje in significantly stated that there is no cumulative conditions for determining the interim measure, especially the proposer and opponent of the proposer represent the same religious organization, so there is no danger of losing believers without determining the interim measure. On the other hand, the Council indicated that the question of who will be the judiciary of the proponents is not the subject of this dispute, and that the proposer if he believes that he was violated to him by any lawy of the proceedings.

The Bojović Cabinet stated that the Montenegrin Orthodox Church of St. John Crnojević opened for all believers and for every candle of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church.

Retired Metropolit Mihailo is welcome to perform prayers and ritations in all churches independently or together with the world's stakeholders and belongs to the place of honors immediately with the newly elected Metropolitan Boris. All civilians who have intervened in the life and functioning of the Holy Montenegrin Orthodox Church, under Article 16 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro: "... will be punished and whoever prevents religious rites" - stated in the Communication of the Bojovic's Cabinet.


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