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Adžić: Identified Tunnel's digging suspects, are related to a person from the High Court

Minister of the Interior, Filip Adžić, announced at the press conference on the occasion of the case of burglary in the Department of Senior to the police resolved the case.

We have identified persons engaged in criminal activities in this case and most of these persons come from Serbia. They had helpers from Montenegro - he stated, with the presentation of the fact that there was an established suspicion that the suspect had had helpers from the High Court.

As he says, criminal charges and two applications against the NN faces were filed for four people.

We have at least five people who participated. Not all participated in excavation, some were logistics and another kind of support. As for the tunnel itself, we have more qualifications of a criminal offense. I would highlight criminal association, severe theft and criminal offense Preventing - said Adžić.

Since, as it says, these persons are not from the area of Montenegro, it is important that through activities with the services of the countries in the region will be deprived of the freedom of these persons.

All with the aim of coming to the principles of this work that shaken the security system - he pointed out.

Adžić adds that the rapidly reach results came into the intensive work and agility of the police.

He said that in this crime, they participated in: Veljko Markovic, Milan Markovic, Dejan Jovanovic and Vladimir Erić, all citizens of Serbia.

Criminal charges were filed against them and their traces are in a place where the criminal offense was committed - Adzic said, showing photos of these persons.

"Suspects associated with a person from a higher court"

Adžić also presented the fact that the said persons who are suspected of the tunnel, associated with a person from the High Court.

There is a connection with a higher court and with persons living in the UIK and are linked to one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the state - said Adžić-

He added that the police were on the trail of the Orders.

Speaking about the person who dug a tunnel with a person from the High Court, Adžić says that it is yet to be determined whether it is a person part of the criminal organization.

We still can't say what a real motive is, but we're a step closer than at the beginning of the investigation.

Milanovic: A person from the High Court was a helper, these are citizens of Montenegro

Head of ODT Podgorica, Dusko Milanović, said that for now no one in the High Court was not covered by a criminal report.

As for criminal groups that supposedly behind this, we have no evidence. These are the operational data that the police need to investigate. There is no reason to do not believe them, but while it does not determine there is no criminal registration - said.

Milanovic adds that according to his knowledge, there is still a person from the High Court, which participated in this crime.

It's about Montenegrin citizens, Milanovic said.

He said that there is no talk on the contamination of the evidence by the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, because the investigation ended the day before.


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