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Adzic targeted the media: would not be happier in Montenegro than your owners to kill everyone among themselves

I am always open, I don't know if there is any minister of internal affairs that had more communication with the media, more guest appearances, more opportunities provided by every medium and journalist to ask them all those who are interested in, of course there are certain media Which reporting does not contribute to the improvement in Montenegro, the Security in Montenegro, are financed, and according to my information, still unconfirmed, from some illegal interior minister Filip Adžić answered the question of journalists One media house will be the opportunity to talk to the misses during his mandate, considering that today's press conference was closely related to the topic of the Depot of Senior Court in Podgorica.

For these media, as he stated, until they determine that they really do not work in the interest of citizens and institutions will not give statements.

With its media advertising, these media have made it known to the knowledge that they want to be blooded every day by Montenegro, to open early citizens every day, to enhance one citizens to others. And I really wouldn't give these media at all the space when I was in question, "Adzic said.

It will be, as adds, invited to all media conferences, when other media are invited.

He will have the opportunity to ask a question, but I don't plan on those media only in the future - Adzic said.

As a matter of journalists, he can ask the issue outside the topic, given his answer, he said, "You can't."

He previously received a question to another journalist since the Minister is conducting an investigation and where he sees the legal foothold that he amounts to the details, and why the police continue to be silent on all events of the 12th August in Cetinje.

I understand your question. I apologize to you that I am the head of an organ. Really, I'm sorry, you'll have to reconcile with that fact, no matter what it bothers you, but that's how it is, "Adzic replied.

After the press conference was officially completed, and until the signal was broadcast on the public service, the minister who gets up from the table and says, "I would not be happier in Montenegro than your owners to kill everyone."


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