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AF: Mandic Incorrigible Albanophob, threatened to a party by breaking his teeth, we will have an adequate answer

Author: M.J. Gdnus

The Albanian Forum reacted to, as they say, Andrija Mandić attacks towards Albanians and announcements NGOs Serbs in Montenegro on the organization of protests in Skenderbeg Square in Tuzi.

We are transmitting their response integrally:

"The President of the Parliament of Montenegro and Mandic lately, when we (unfortunately) supported for that high function, in the meantime that in the meantime, in the meantime he served, he definitely shows that he remained irreparable Albanophob.

After attacking Albanians in Montenegro's warching rhetoric, the Spiker Assembly now went a step further and amin 'the curves of part of their compatriots to agitate and try to provide us further.

As the strongest political entity of Albanians in Montenegro, the Albanian forum, we want to believe that the institutions of the state of Montenegro will not allow to cause such or any similar provocations.

Certainly, the Albanian Forum will, through institutional action, give the maximum contribution that the chauvinism that inquires the accidental president of the Assembly has no passage in Montenegro.

All of these are the sequence and the consequence of irresponsible and war-hail rhetoric used by Mr. Mandic, and we are fragrant to us that, for now, Neither Prime Minister nor the president of the state were advertised and not having an adequate reaction to the war-hail threats that come in recent days.

Unfortunately, Mandic has not yet been prosecuted for hate speech and albanity threats, as the threats that recently referred the Albanian Forum Leader and Albanian Leader in Montenegro, Mr. Niku Đejošaju, about breaking teeth, and in the end, and at the end - threatened and pressed the competent to mount the proceedings, now expanded and calls for arrest towards all Albanians.

Whatever it is, all this indicates that we will be forced to self-organize and be awake and ready, in order if provokers go, individually or collectively, have our adequate response, and will be no matter the threats!

We met and get to know our international partners about all these actions managed by Mandic.

Our end is proverbially known for hospitality towards everyone, but when we come with the deliberate provocations initiated by the Sticker Assembly, we say that we will not apply to such as guests.

The Albanian Forum is appealing to all citizens, especially our neighbors and fellow citizens who are ethnically belonging to the Serbian people, are not supported by the War Rhetoric Mandic, to contribute to our European path and do not allow other people's interests That in our country for other people's and low interests, tensions whose only intention is to take us from our European path and better and more prosperous future for all of us.

We are also nor will we never call anyone for celebrations and use of symbols that identify themselves and in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of Montenegro, because the rights we seek for ourselves would never deny others to do so.

Respect for the rights of all and European path of Montenegro are the basic postulates of the Albanian Forum policy. "

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