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Apartment: Recent political happenings in Montenegro contributed to slowing the EU access negotiations

Recent political happenings in Montenegro have caused a deep institutional crisis, impaired the functionality of democratic institutions in the country and contributed to slowing down access negotiations, the Portparol European Union Portparol for the external Peter Stan policy said on the tweeter.

The latest amendments to the Law on Jurisdiction of the President of the President are with the opinion of the Venetian Commission. A repeated omission to appoint the judges of the Constitutional Court shows the inability to build a consensus on reforms - said Stano.

As he emphasized, in order to progress to the EU accession, which is the desire of the vast majority of Montenegro citizens, all political actors must support the stability and functionality of democratic institutions, especially the Constitutional Court, refrain and avoid further incidents.

The political situation caused by recent procedures could question the stability of institutions. This concern of the European Union has also been told by Montenegrin authorities through established diplomatic channels. said Stano.


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