Montenegro's safety reform, especially the National Security Agency (ANB), is one of the key expectations in suggestions, which has been given a mandate for the future Government of Milojko Spajić with several important diplomatic addresses. The reason is clear - part of the Russian-Serbian intelligence octopus has released a tentacle through the security sector network, and the elimination of that impact will be, by all accounts, a demanding task for the future Prime Minister and his associates in charge of national security.
Portal Standard will publish the chronology of the event, which dates from 2020, composed of the so-called "August majority", when Russian services went into a strong attack on an institution, which has been a serious obstacle for years for the realization of their interests in Montenegro.
The goal was to completely destroy this service and permanently disable for action, which could be contrary to Russian interests. The additional motive was the revenge of the ANB for 2016, when the attempted moscow structures was prevented to establish control of Montenegro, which did not just thwart Russian intentions, but also compromised their activities.
The attack on the ANB in 2020 was conducted with the mediation of proxies from Belgrade, the intelligence service of Serbia and parts of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which had a direct impact on the Government in Podgorica, considering that they compiled themselves.
A special role was awarded to a proven man of Belgrade - the former Director of the ANB and the President of the President of Montenegro-Grader, which was firmly tied to certain Moscow structures with which he built a relationship with controversial Russian investors, but also through individual church representatives in Montenegro, like the late.k.Imijajla Backović.
In accordance with the plan made on Belgrade, ie the Moscow addresses, Vukšić went to a strong attack on the then ANB structures, calculating that the effect of the domestic and international public would be the most powerful and international public that is in that period. He waited eagerly what will happen after the election of the new government. Thus, in the first days after taking on the management site in the Agency, Vukšić launched a series of affairs, although he had no evidence in addition to the Kuloire Story, which was confirmed in later events before the judiciary. Thus, most of the pompously announced abuse were never mentioned again, such as alleged destruction of secret documents in Žabljak, sharing weapons and official identifiers of criminal structures ...
The expectations of the plagues from Belgrade, ie Moscow, were largely achieved. Vukšić managed to compromise the agency before the domestic and international public, to present it as a litter of crime and corruption, but also the main bearer of DPS political abuses.
An important secret data was compromised, which were submitted to Serbian and Russian intelligence services, but also criminal organizations generated by direct influence in the security sector. Vukšić has established direct contact with the controversial first operatives Bia-Emarca Parezanović, which was later achieved through the first associates of Živkovićainikola Laušević, delivering a large number of data, but also complete files kept in the ANB. The data was completed in the hands of proven associates of these intelligence structures, such as Mijajl Backović, Marko Kević, Milan Knežević, as well as recently arrested by the Municipality of Budvila Božović.
One of the important tasks of Vukšić was to in the key positions in the service, but also in depth, infiltrates Pro-Surface and Prospanies as a pledge for permanent impact on the National Security Agency. In addition to staff "inside" which have been shown as recruitment, a number of persons close to individuals from the Serbian Orthoday who were "naked" on Serbian-Russian intelligence services were brought in.
In-benefit from employees, he managed to shake the internal cohesion of the service and mutual relations of operatives to lead to levels to make them a serious disorders for each future work. Also, by placing the people of the ultimate professional professional, but also moral competencies on managerial sites, he has managed to completely disconnect the work process. Incompetence of newly appointed chiefs, which have then worked on the lowest tasks in the agency, such as porters and lower-class operatives, has enabled Vukšić to work according to individual issues, such as Serbian extremism, reduced the lowest level and thus endangers National safety and land leave without any protection.
The special goal was to permanently shook the trust of the Montenegrin partner, which was achieved by Vukšić by conscious information and compromising the joint operational work of the Agency and partner services. The presentation of the names of the U.S. Service's names before the members of the Security and Defense Committee was especially striking the example of Vukšić's intentions.
However, the uncompromising of Vukšić and his associates, with a strong area of employees, significantly reduced the scale of Moscow and Belgrade intelligence in Montenegro, which would be shown from the events that followed to Vukšić .