The Agency for the Prevention of Corruption does not lead ex officio proceedings due to endangerment of the public interest, which points to the existence of corruption in connection with the re-election of Boris Raonic as General Director of the RTCG, nor have we received reports or initiatives regarding the conflict of interests of members of the RTCG Council in connection with with the re-appointment of that public official as general director of RTCG, Antena M from ASK was informed.
"When it comes to the verification of income from property, according to the records we have, in November 2023, after the procedure was carried out, the Agency made a Decision that the public official Boris Raonić violated Article 23 paragraph 2 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, as stated in the report did not report accurate and complete data on income and assets.
Also, in 2021, the Agency filed a request to initiate misdemeanor proceedings against the member of the RTCG Council, Zorić Naod, because he did not submit the ASK- to the report on income and assets within 30 days from the day of assuming public office," the Agency stated.
Antena M sent a query to the Agency, whether they initiated the procedure ex officio due to endangerment of public interest by the repeated and symptomatic election of Boris Raonic as General Director of RTCG.
We asked whether the ASK investigated the possible basis of the conflict of interests of the members of the RTCG Council in connection with the symptomatic illegal election of that person to public office, appreciating in particular the statements of the EC, which announced that they expect any possible violation of the law to be addressed by the competent domestic authorities, in in accordance with national legislation and relevant international and European standards, and the European Federation of Journalists who called on all relevant institutions, primarily the Labor Inspectorate, to take measures as soon as possible to clarify the situation in which Boris Raonic became the general director of the Public Service for the third time, as and a complete blatant violation of regulations.
We also asked whether the ASK had checked the assets of Raonic and the members of the RTCG Council, from the time he took office until today.
Let us recall that a group of RTCG workers wrote to several addresses in the European Commission, concerned about the collapse of the reputation of their institution and the devastation of its resources.