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Babaić: Đukanović's decision is legitimate, Adžić's statement is legal nonsense

The Minister of Internal Affairs in the technical mandate, Filip Adžić, literally said that the decree of the President on the dissolution of the Parliament should not be published in the Official Gazette, we assume that it would not produce a legal effect, which would be a kind of precedent in the history of political theory and practice, said a member of the Presidency of the Social Democrats ( SD) Onur Babaić.
In the sea of nonsense and legal acrobatics uttered in public discourse and put into practice by the parliamentary majority, this one is certainly without competition - added Babaić.
He believes that Đukanović's decision is legitimate because, as he said, the parliamentary elections represent a way out of the current situation and the removal from the political scene of actors who harm the reputation of Montenegro.
This is another proof that the president's decision is legitimate, because parliamentary elections are the only way out of the ongoing political provisional, so that "experts" like the above-mentioned would be removed from the political scene, because their continued existence on the same significantly harms the reputation of Montenegro - concluded Babaić .
M. J.

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