Four candidates applied for the position of Ombudsman of the Radio Television of Montenegro: employees of that house Slavica Kruščić-Vasović, Žarko Božović, Danijela Popović and Todor Brajković, a journalist in the daily newspaper Dan.
According to the proposals of the competition, a person who has at least VII-1 level of educational qualification, at least ten years of work experience in audio-visual media, citizenship of Montenegro and residence in Montenegro can be appointed as RTCG ombudsman for three years. For all conditions, it is necessary to submit certificates, i.e. evidence.
At the last session of the RTCG Council, which was held on Monday, Balša Milić from the legal department said that all registered candidates meet the requirements.
However, the vice president of the Council, Marijana Camović-Veličković, said that candidate Brajković submitted that he has experience in print media, but not in audio-visual. Milić said that he would ask Brajković to submit additional documentation.
In the proposals of the competition, it is stated that untimely and incomplete applications will not be considered, that they will be rejected by the conclusion of the Council.
The RTCG Council did not answer Pobjeda to the question of whether Brajković submitted documentation, but also to the question of whether the Council in this way violated the terms of the competition, which state that incomplete applications will not be considered, and why the application was accepted.
Todor Brajković told Pobjeda yesterday that he submitted all the necessary documentation, but that they asked him for some additions. He said that he should finish it on Monday and submit it to the RTCG.
The Law on RTCG states that the ombudsman is appointed by the Council, based on a public competition. However, Council members wanted clarification on how to vote. At the Council session held on Monday, Milić said that the ombudsman is elected by majority vote and that he cannot be elected at an electronic session. Filip Lazović then said that, since the law is abstract, it must be clarified how to vote, whether each candidate will be declared individually and what if no one gets a majority.
President Veselin Drljević said that they tasked Milić to request an additional document from Brajković and to send his opinion by Friday on how to deal with the candidates, whether they should be interviewed or submit documentation and make a statement.
- To know if the voting method is secret or if it is practiced differently, you should send it to us by Friday - said Drljević.
According to the Law on RTCG, the ombudsman's mandate begins on the day of appointment and lasts for three years. The same person can be appointed as ombudsman a maximum of two consecutive times.
On June 6 or 7, the council should hold a session devoted to the election of the ombudsman, and they must decide by June 16 at the latest.
Candidate Todor Brajković is the only one who does not come from the Public Service. He is a sports journalist in the daily newspaper Dan. Brajković is also the general secretary of the Association of Sports Journalists of Montenegro, whose president is Veselin Drljević, who is also the president of the RTCG Council.
Ombudsman Popović, who applied for the competition again, is ending her three-year mandate. During that time, she issued a large number of opinions on objections to the professional reporting of the Public Service. Her opinions were often the subject of discussion at the sessions of the RTCG Council, especially when they were not in accordance with the opinion of the management and members who are close to the general director Boris Raonic.
Žarko Božović, another candidate for RTCG ombudsman, came into the public eye at the beginning of last year when he was banned from using the constitutionally guaranteed variant of the Montenegrin language on Radio Montenegro. Part of the employees of RTCG also protested because of this discrimination. The Ombudsperson also issued an opinion in which it was confirmed that Božović can use the Ioted variant of the Montenegrin language, that is, that there was a violation of equality in rights and before the law.
Slavica Kruščić-Vasović is a long-time RTCG journalist, but also the president of one of the two trade unions of that house - the Representative Organization of the RTCG trade union.