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BSP denies Raonić: The indictment was not brought under influence, an increased level of responsibility is expected from the leaders of RTCG

The Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica denies and denies the unfounded allegations of the Director General of RTCG Boris Raonić, presented in the show "Akcenti" regarding the filing of an indictment against the president and members of the RTCG Council for the criminal offense of abuse of official position in complicity in the case of the election of the Director General of RTCG, on June 1, 2023, the BSP announced.

The Prosecutor's Office says that the claims that the decision to file an indictment was brought under anyone's influence are unfounded and untrue.

- We remind you that state prosecutors, in accordance with the law, are independent in their work and perform their function impartially and objectively, on the principles of legality and equality before the law. In order for the head to be involved in making any decision by the state prosecutor, it is necessary for the state prosecutor to issue an instruction for the procedure in the case, which in this particular case was neither initiated by the acting state prosecutor, nor was such an instruction given at all - stated in the denial signed by the head of the BSP in Podgorica Duško Milanović.

He pointed out that the insinuations and unfounded accusations come from the head of the largest national media outlet, from whom an increased degree of responsibility for the statements made is expected.

- Regarding the claims about the alleged connections and contacts of state prosecutors with criminal structures and pressure when submitting the indictment, we encourage the director of RTCG to file a criminal report with the Special State Prosecutor's Office, against any state prosecutor whom he believes and has evidence of having acted under anyone's influence in this criminal legal matter - Milanović said.

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