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Canović: BS confirmed that it contributed zero euros to Plav's budget; hiding behind the party name speaks best about their results

BS confirmed with its reaction - instead of 27 million, it actually contributed 0 (zero) euros and two (irrelevant) conclusions, which essentially mean nothing, announced the mayor of Plav Municipality and member of the SD Presidency Nihad Canović.
We are reporting his reaction in full.
Dear colleagues, we are glad that you are slowly returning to reality. I believe that you contributed to the adoption of two conclusions (although they have been in the Capital Budget for several years).
If I were you, I would look for a new project, some new value. I don't see the point in the existing one, but for that too - thank you on behalf of all of us.
I was forced to react because in your statement you listed a lot of projects that have been completed or are in their final stages, so you caused unrest among citizens who started to question me.
They asked how we would do some things that were completed in the previous period in 2025. For example:
1. Will they have to endure the canals and the work of machines on Glavna Street (Racina), which was completed in 2023, again?***********0000a/kom/IMG_6711.jpeg

2. Will the recently completed roundabout be demolished again and a new one built next year?***********0000a/kom/IMG_6712.jpeg

3. Will the works on Čaršijska Street, which is currently being completed, be done again in 2025?***********0000a/kom/IMG_6713.jpeg

4. And so on – Home for the Elderly, Market, Radiology Department…
I believe it was useful to add up all these projects and come to the figure of 27 million, but did you really think that citizens would believe your words rather than their eyes? The arguments (pictures) say it all.
As for the projects, in order for their implementation to begin in 2022, the budget had to be adopted in December 2021 (when you were in opposition).
I remind the public that the tenders for the Main Street and the Home for the Elderly were announced during that period.
The statement that I am opposed to the implementation of development projects is more than ridiculous. I believe that no one in Plav opposes something that is good (including you).
In order not to go on too long, because there would be a lot more to say, I conclude - anyone who wants to work on the further development of the most beautiful region in Montenegro is welcome in Plav. The people of Plav have shown this many times in the previous period.
Finally, if I were you, I would not mention 2018 and the new local government that was elected then, because our citizens do not need either your or my statements to remember what Plav looked like before 2018, what it looks like today, and who is more and who is less concerned about it.
And yes, as for the TV duel, how prepared you are for it is best demonstrated by the fact that you did not stand behind the statement with your name and surname, but instead hid behind the name of the party.

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