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Center for Civil Rights: When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes an obligation

The Center for Civil Rights addressed the public on behalf of, as they stated, the civil resistance that has been going on for five years.

We are transmitting the address in its entirety:

“Dear citizens and patriots of Montenegro!

A constitutional coup has just taken place, so that this government can start trampling on all rights, blocking the state, adopting laws on citizenship, language and amending the Constitution...blocking electoral processes. Tonight is the zero point from which we will start liberating our homeland and our homeland from the clutches of the Chetnik voivode and his pawns. The dictatorship of the current majority is in full swing.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes an obligation! We will use all means at our disposal to exercise our legitimate right to revolt and fight for our home and the future of our children. In the coming days, civil disobedience and the streets are the only way to achieve this.

Therefore, we ask you to be united, united and persistent until liberation. Jobs, houses, families, obligations - we all have them, but there is only one thing worth living and dying for. And that is FREEDOM. We hoped that this would not come to this, but very strong forces have harnessed themselves and seized all the levers of power, the security sector and institutions. We see each other on the streets, in front of the Parliament, in squares, intersections and wherever... because Montenegro will really stop now. Enough!!!”

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