The majority of Montenegrin citizens (72%) believe that the Montenegrin national identity exists independent of the Serbian one, while about a fifth is of the opposite position (22%), the Center for Civic Education announced.
"In Serbia, the views on this issue are divided, so the majority (38%) cannot be determined, then 33% believe that it exists, and 29% that it does not exist. These are the findings of the "Plenum on Montenegrin-Serbian relations" project. are of the project that "Plenum on Montenegrin-Serbian relations" NGO CGO implements in cooperation with AddAcademy, and in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland.
When it comes to the Montenegrin language, the survey results show that in Montenegro it is recognized by 63.5%, while 36.6% of citizens do not recognize it.
"On the other hand, more than half (56%) of those in Serbia do not recognize it, and only a little more than a fifth (28%) of those who do," states CGO.