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CHO: Threats and attacks on the antenna m are the testimony and the consequence of National Chauvinist Policy

The Montenegrin Helsinki Committee (CHO) strongly condemns the attacks and detail in the Antenna Journalists, and is sad that such things happen, and even more appalled that Montenegrin institutions do not have the forces and determination to take appropriate measures and Such dangerous threats and targeting of free and independent media, as well as journalists who bravely and honorally perform their social function, answers without delay, with the application of all legal measures and sanctions.

This sends the worst possible message and practically promotes hatred and encourages aggression towards the free word and its bearers. Thus those who view all this - regardless of the legal obligation and position in the system that requires them and that obliges them to the reaction and professional action - become complicants of hatred and aggression, threats and stamping of political dissidents - state from the CHO.

Politicians and political structures that, as adds, their public performances and overall action promotes and practically support hate speech and threats should not be addressed separately.

Today, they are in the power in Montenegro, and with them are regime media and media platforms close regimes in Belgrade and Moscow, as well as the Church of Serbia and its political branches in our topic - so that they are also the vinatives attacking the antenna M. Cho expects and requires an urgent response and police reaction - they said from this non-governmental organization.


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