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Citizens' Initiative "May 21": DF, Democrats and Ura took a large step against European orientation of Montenegro and the interests of our citizens

The unconstitutional audit of the Parliamentary Parliamentary Law clearly opted for the goal political force, rated the Civic Initiative "May 21".

In addition to the demolition of constitutional arrangement, DF and his satellites of Democrats and Ura took a large step against the European orientation of Montenegro and therefore against the life interests of our citizens. These are contrary to the opposite parties, which have long been no election majority, additionally encouraging the destabilization of the state and society - said GI "May 21".

They estimated that it was obvious that "after the criminalization of the constitutional arrangement and usurping of the presidential authority of parliamentary desperados, they go in the direction of rounding a puppet government."

Of course, this is a Vucic puppet government and the official of the official Russia. However, the good side of violence against the constitutionalism and ignoring the Venetian commission is reflected in the complete disconnection of the parliamentary majority. This kind of policy will confront Montenegro with stopping negotiations with the EU as opposed to the will of convincing majority of citizens. In doing so, citizens will choose their destiny because they will have to decide between the pro -war forces supported by the West or DFA, Democrats and the Ure which opened the door wide with a political, safety and economic sunshine - concluded "GI 21 May".


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